iTunes shuffle meme (NUMBAH TWOOOO!)

Oct 23, 2008 16:44

iTunes shuffle meme -

1. Put your iPod or other mp3 player on Shuffle
2. Pick the first five/seven/ten songs that come up.
3. Write a short fic inspired by each of those songs. You may only write for the duration of the song - if the song lasts three minutes, you only write for three minutes. No cheating!

Posted real fast because apparently I only write fic half an hour before work. ^^

"The Healer" (5:40) - John Lee Hooker and Carlos Santana

Jack pressed the heel of his palm against Toshiko's stomach, pushed down. Toshiko hissed and gritted her teeth; clenched her fists; didn't squirm.

"Yeah, it's right there," Jack said quietly. "Alright, Toshiko, this is going to feel really weird, but it shouldn't hurt. Are you ready?"

She nodded, looking steadily at the ceiling. "My scanner gave us ten minutes, at last estimate."

Jack stroked his thumb against the goose-bumped skin beneath it, palm still centered over the tight knot pulsing beneath her skin. "I know," he said. "This won't take long. The sonic vibrations will put the parasite into a coma, and then we can isolate it from your internal organs before killing it." He slipped his sonic blaster-a jury-rigged battery pack duct-taped to the butt-out of the holster.

"It's Not a Fashion Statement, It's A Death Wish" (3:30) - My Chemical Romance

"Fuckhead," said Ianto. "Ignoramous. Meddling troglobyte. Splendiferous boil of pus."

"I'm getting mixed messages here," said Jack.

"It's a randomized sample," said Ianto, handing Jack the file folder of poll responses. "The favorable/unfavorable spread is entertaining, to say the least."

Jack rifled through the papers and sighed. "It's not even a real election," he said. "Hell, it's not even a real candidate! The majority of Britain can't come up with a single nuanced opinion about the guys who are actually in office but they break out the thesauruses for a hologram?"

"It's a very compelling hologram," Ianto said. "And you know what they say. No such thing as bad press."

"Crash the Party" (2:25) - OK Go (went waaaaay over time on this one. Oh well.)

"Oh, for fuck's sake!" bellowed Owen. "I'm in paperwork up to my eyeballs, there's a shortage of latex gloves, that nurse-" he pointed threateningly "-has no idea what a crash cart is, and you're giving me another ER case?"

"You're on shift tonight," said Brenda, and handed him the medical file. "Step to it, unless you want to get kicked out on your arse before you finish your residence."

Owen sighed and tramped over to the patient bed at the end of the room, flinging the curtain open. "Hello, I'm Dr. Owen Harper and I'll be taking care of you tonight," he muttered, reading the file. "It says here you were attacked by a dog?"

"Wild animal," said the patient. "Alien, actually. A Weevil. After having travelled back in time about 5 years. Say, you need to take this pill for me."

Owen blinked and looked up. The patient was grinning at him, coat and shirt all bloody but throat suspiciously whole. "Excuse me," Owen said. "I'm the doctor, and I dispense the pills, thank you very much. Take your kit off and lay back."

"Ianto owes me twenty quid now," said the patient. "He thought you'd never have the balls to say that outright. Of course," he added thoughtfully, "It'll take me a while to collect. By the way, I really do need you to take this pill. I'll explain later, if it ever comes up."

Owen sighed, deeply and full of despair. "Hang on a tic, I'm going to page the psychology ward," he said. He had barely raised a hand to the curtain before he was attacked from behind.

tw: pre s1, tw: s1 or s2, freewrite, fic: r, meme, fic, torchwood

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