mountain or consciousness, take your pick. another choice is "filth."

Aug 31, 2008 05:08

Just FYI, I've changed my LJ style to the Totally Awesome Gay Rocket because 1) my paid account made my style apply to individual entries (as opposed to just "recent entries" and "friends") which I don't like but can't remember how to fix, and 2) it's soooo last year and I've been meaning to change it for months.

My fingernails are blue. I'm cutting some hair tomorrow and somebody owes me Starbucks. I've been jonesing for Starbucks for weeks. I want to drink the Mint Mocha Chip with my vagina.

Have uploaded about 15 more icons and STILL don't have a proper crack icon. Have plenty of Tosh/Ianto now, though.

Did not write another chapter yesterday, which put me in a funk, but today I am torn between glurging out another chapter of PP!I which is v. easy to write, or taking a thrust stab at some of the Toshanto porn on constant replay in my head, but that would probably be harder to write and thusly lead to me going "zonk sleep now." Which is what I ended up doing yesterday. Except not, because I forget that Coke has caffeine in it and so does, apparently, the sun. Me at 9am: "Whooo! I feel great! Oh shit I need to go to bed." All the woodland birds and squirrels were disappointed that I couldn't frolic with them anymore.


I think, even though it is not a real crack icon, "schnozzle" is endearingly appropriate for this entry. Much of the 'endearing' bit comes from the fact that it is an icon of Traf, who is the most endearing thing in the world. Really. There was a study.

IN OTHER NEWS, also dog related, my other dog-- who is endearing to me, but is also old, lumpy, smelly, and noisy--got the honking big cyst on his eye removed, and it's all crusty. For some reason, the pink stitches aren't as cute as they were the last time (Yes, Forrest has had cysts removed before. He is OLD. And I'm not kidding about 'lumpy.') ALSO they shaved the fur above his eyebrow! My mom thought it was tape! When I first saw it from a distance, I frankly did not know what was going on. Forrest has lost his looks, his personality was always in question, and he is olfactorily offensive. The only thing going for him is that he does a little dance when you feed him dinner and it is kyoot. ALSO WE HAVE HAD HIM SINCE I WAS EIGHT YEARS OLD SO NO-ONE ELSE IS ALLOWED TO BE MEAN ABOUT HIM OR I WILL TOTALLY TELL MY MOM!!! I WILL TELL YOUR MOM, TOO! WHILE I FUCK HER!!!

fuck fuck fuck shitswallop.

HEY. Give me drabble prompts? Please?

need sleep, tw: s1 or s2, tw: team, fic, comment-fic, writing, fic: pg, tw: jack/ianto, i'm so on crack, torchwood

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