(no subject)

Jul 06, 2008 15:55

So I just slept for 13 hours, and sometime right before I woke up I dreamed that there existed a Nu Who/ Xena; Warrior Princess mini-series crossover, wherein Cpt. Jack Harkness got kicked out of the TARDIS and ended up in ancient Greece-- with lots of Ronald McDonalds walking around, don't ask--actually, do-- where he met XENA and it was pretty awesome, but then something bad happened so he came back to the TARDIS and the Doctor was pretty mad (and looked quite like the Master in The Deadly Assassin, strangely) and ranted, "I said I didn't want to see you for several weeks, Jack! It's been three days!!" and then Jack used that sad, urgent voice he uses on the Doctor and said, "But Doctor! My girlfriend's frozen!" And she was! Xena was in some kind of stasis chamber, and the Doctor was going to help her, I think, but I was so confused because I didn't know if I should be ridiculously happy that there was Jack/Xena, or really upset that it cut into Xena/Gabby. Gabby was hanging out in a dorm room with her two French children, btw, (one was named Antoine???) and I think she was having relationship problems with Xena because before Jack showed up, Xena had been trying to make her jealous by cuddling with a Goth woman on the other dorm room bed. If it helps, I don't think Xena was aware that Jack thought she was his girlfriend.

And then the channel changed (in the dream, I was watching TV in the living room with John and Traf and I think we'd spilled popcorn everywhere, and also there were guinea pigs peeing on things) and it was an old Saturday Night Live, where it opened up with a musical number with everyone wearing Darth Hello Kitty costumes, and then the voice over said the host tonight was Mark Hamill, so I screamed and changed the channel, but that wasn't better because I changed it to a remake of the arena battle in Episode II, only it was Han Solo and Luke instead of Anakin, Padme, and Obi Wan, and Luke pulled out a lightsabre and his clothes fell off, and then he got attacked with flame so he was all sweaty and lit-up red, and then he pulled out a blaster from his crotch which was conveniently below-screen, and Han was just standing there like, "Ok, are we gonna fight the bad guys now? Please." And then I turned off the TV and woke up.

Can't sleep, Mark Hamill will get me.

need sleep, tw: jack/everything ever, i'm so on crack, torchwood

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