Notebook Transcriptions #2: IM log with Cupcake of PotC Backstory (of dooooom)

Jun 12, 2008 20:56

As promised yesterday, the IM log of me telling Cupcake about the Hoynitsi Universe.

WARNING: this is heinously tl;dr -- 7 pages in Word. :x Also, rather discursive-- Cupcake and I get distracted kinda easily.

Second Warning: Just reading the plot, it sounds horribly Mary-Sue-ish and horror-movie-ish and and exploitative and hackneyed and such, but you guys knows that if I ever got around to actually writing it, it'd be executed much better, yes? And much of this would only be alluded to. I-- oh dear. Just... trust me. :/ Also, also, can I cry 'source material'? AWE wanted to be the most epicest epic that ever epicced. I am merely returning the favor. >P

(first bit repeated from the last post)

Kaylie: actually, I know how [Beckett] comes back, but it's complicated
Cupcake: Do tell!
Kaylie: it's not really him, but his 16 year old self. As a tangible ghost.
Kaylie: from a parallel universe
Cupcake: I wonder what 16-year-old Beckett was like, PU or not.
Kaylie: he was a bit horny. And in this case, covered in blood and dirt
Cupcake: Probably spotty and emo, like all teens.
Kaylie: no, he had very nice skin. he was lucky.
Cupcake: *shakes fist at his nice skin*
Kaylie: Do you want to hear the whole story? it's pretty neat, actually
Cupcake: YESH!
Kaylie: it involves my pseudo-mary sue
Kaylie: but I keep her in check, mostly
Kaylie: she's not as bad as Elizabeth, let's say that
Cupcake: Lady Beckett?
Kaylie: ....yes. Have I told you part of this already?
Kaylie: or are you PSYCHIC?
Cupcake: No, I was guessing.
Kaylie: hee.
Kaylie: she's sort of a double-mary sue, actually, but um.. I'm being non-explicit about that
Kaylie: anyway
Kaylie: there's this girl whose uncle murdered her mother and her brothers
Cupcake: Her mother's brother?
Kaylie: her father's brother
Kaylie: she's sworn revenge, and spends ten years tramping around Britain trying to find him and kill him in such a way that he will never, ever come back
Kaylie: This guy, named Mortimer Killick, is an official in the EITC and he has a young man working with him named... Cuttlefish.
Cupcake: hee
Kaylie: No really, it's Beckett. The girl finds Mortimer, but needssome way to get to him. She poses as a seamstress and starts seducing Beckett
Kaylie: which isn't hard, 'cause he's 16. (she's about... 26, btw)
Kaylie: At some point, Beckett realizes this seamstress is using him to get to Mortimer, and threatens to expose her unless she cuts him a deal
Kaylie: So they work it out that if he'll help her perform the ritual, it'll create an opportunity for him to step into Mortimer's place and get promoted. In addition, she'll work some magic on him (using Mortimer's remains) to protect him from betrayal
Cupcake: because she's a witch of some kind?
(5:37:28 AM) Kaylie: She knows some magic, and has been researching this particular spell for the past 10 years
Cupcake: Ah, because of the killing.
Kaylie: her great grandfather travelled the world learning all kinds of weird and various magicks, and wrote it in a book, and also told her mother, who told her
Kaylie: ::nod::
Kaylie: she doesn't do much other magic besides this, but she has a wide knowledge of magic, if that makes sense
Cupcake: Is that also why Becks is so startled when Jack does betray him?
Kaylie: yes.
Kaylie: I don't know why yet that Jack was able to break the spell, but I have a pretty good idea
Cupcake: My idea - he's CJS!
Kaylie: lol. In a way, yes. It's because of who he is, not anything he does
Kaylie: ANYWAY. the ritual needs both old and fresh blood from Mortimer, so they have to collect blood, wait a week, then collect more, and they need a hand and various pieces of flesh, all very fresh, so they have to keep him alive for about 10 days, essentially torturing him
Cupcake: eww
Kaylie: part of the spell is that the seamstress follows Mortimer into the afterlife by "piggybacking" her soul on his to finish the spell on the other side and make sure he stays there
Kaylie: so Culter has to kill her
Kaylie: he kneels astride her belly and shoves a knife under her ribs. It's pretty sexy, considering.
Cupcake: Haha, "Culter" indeed.
Kaylie: Now, what happens in the canon universe is that she goes to Hell, finishes the spell, and hitches a ride back and everything is grand.
Kaylie: In a parallel universe, they make a small change to the spell (because she's not perfect at magic) and, since they used part of Cutler in it, he dies too. But, because the spell transfers souls across parallel universes (because in this version, she makes sure that all *versions* of him stay dead), Cutler pops up in the canon universe as soon as his canon self dies--because you can't have two of the same person in one universe
Kaylie: He appears as he looked when he died, with no memories past that point, so he's 16 and covered in blood and dirt.
Kaylie: and rather pissed at the seamstress for screwing up.
Kaylie: was that complicated enough? >P
Cupcake: and horny.
Kaylie: well, more hysterical than horny. he just killed two people!
Cupcake: Hah, I bet he liked it.
Kaylie: ... yeah, he did
Cupcake: What is it with Beckett and excepting supernatural and magic things just like that.
Kaylie: so it's basically her fault that he's literally cutthroat in his career, and uses magical things
Kaylie: well, she was the first. She explained everything to him. Without her, he wouldn't be using the supernatural to his advantage, because he wouldn't believe in it
Kaylie: ...also, she kinda sorta told him about Davy Jones' heart
Cupcake: So she's part of the canon universe as well.
Kaylie: yeah, my pseudo canon
Kaylie: she's slipped into the cracks >P
Cupcake: sounds naughty.
Kaylie: Her great-grandmother is the "Host and Arbiter" of the Pirate Council, meaning she provides a neutral meeting ground (a brothel) and keeps records of official agreements between pirate lords. [I know this sounds horribly random and Mary Sue-ish; it'll all stitch together at the end, trust me.]
Kaylie: the seamstress inherits that position, and so knows a lot of what's going on
Kaylie: she also marries Beckett shortly after DMC in order to help him take over the Caribbean, being careful not to break her oath of neutrality-- she cannot favor one pirate lord over another, but she can betray them all as a group
Cupcake: Well, that's ethics for you.
Kaylie: lol, yeah. PIRATES!
Cupcake: duh.
Kaylie: Except that a case can be made that she put the council in danger for the sake of one, because she told Beckett about DJ's heart so that he would take control of it and, as a favor, she could ask him to order DJ to forgive Jack's debt Cupcake: I'd really like to know what happens after Beckett dies and is revived as 16-year-old... let's call *him* Cuttlefish for this conversation, aye?
Kaylie: ok
Kaylie: that gets complicated, too
Cupcake: Yay!
Kaylie: ok, so, Mrs. Beckett nee Killick is hanging out on her personal boat, the Arca, officially swearing in Elizabeth as Pirate Lord and King and other such administrative things
Kaylie: (the Arbiter and Host works in tandem with the Keeper of the Code, Teague-- usually she stays in Portugal, and he's in the Caribbean)
Kaylie: and, basically, Cuttlefish shows up and throws a fish
Kaylie: *fit
Kaylie: he throws a FIT
Kaylie: about how she screwed up, or betrayed him, etc. and she's like, "uh... no. The spell went fine. You became a highly powerful EITC official, remember?" and he's like, "uh... no. I died."
Kaylie: so she figures out what happened and....
Kaylie: here's a cute part, where she wipes at the blood on his face and he shouts, "It won't wipe off! It's *metaphorical* blood! And it's GHOSTLY!"
Kaylie: That's really all I've got at the moment about Cuttlefish
Cupcake: Hah, that's cute!
Cupcake: The blood part, I mean.
Cupcake: don't you think the name "Mortimer Killick" is a bit overdoing it?
Kaylie: hmm.
Kaylie: Possibly.
Kaylie: Yeah
Kaylie: I didn't do the "Killick" on purpose, though-- I'd already named the family that, and then I named him Mortimer
Cupcake: lol
Kaylie: and all he does is kill people and die, so I never figured I needed something else >P
Cupcake: I love how you said that. "and all he does is kill people and die". xD
Kaylie: heehee
Kaylie: he's not one of the more fleshed-out character, I'm afraid
Kaylie: especially after he starts decomposing
Cupcake: Did he have a reason for the killing, anyway.
Kaylie: yes he did!
Kaylie: He was very suspicious of his brother's wife's past, and found out that she had been unfaithful and bore the child of another man
Kaylie: Mortimer and his brother were respectable members of English society, you see, and the wife, well, she used to be a pirate [but most people didn't know that]
Kaylie: The brother was expanding his pottery business to the Americas, so his family was located there while he returned to English for a few years at a time
Cupcake: *imagines the troubles of pottery on a ship* lol
Kaylie: She opened up a pub on River Street (this is in Savannah Port, in the colony of Georgia) which had a lot of piratical clientele, and one of the regulars got her knocked up
Kaylie: hee, yeah. Well, he set up new factories in the colonies, so they wouldn't have to ship the pottery and it'd be cheaper
Cupcake: Very wise.
Cupcake: And the regular is... Jack's father!
Cupcake: Are you kidding me?
Kaylie: so now you've figured out the REALLY marysueish part
Kaylie: she's OMGJACK'SSISTER!!1!
Cupcake: Haha!
Kaylie: nope, not kidding. Pardal (the mother) knew Teague from her pirate days, and they hit it off one night, and there you go
Cupcake: Firast I figured it was Jack, but then I thought nah, that'd mean Jack was Becky's father-in-law, not working with the timeline.
Kaylie: so he's his BROTHER IN LAW! Doesn't know it, though
Cupcake: Does she look a bit like Jack?
Kaylie: yeah
Kaylie: dark hair, dark eyes, lighter skin, though.
Cupcake: The heavy eye makeup
Kaylie: a bit the same in the face, but she looks more like the dad and jack looks more like, well, *his* dad and a whole lot like Pardal
Kaylie: no, she doesn't wear kohl
Kaylie: which is probably why everyone hasn't figured it out by now :P
Cupcake: Hah!
Kaylie: also, she's much calmer (during the canon years, that is)
Kaylie: she's also named Jack.
Kaylie: Jacqueline, to be precise.
Cupcake: Mwaha.
Kaylie: not that he was aware of it, having lost his memory at the time...
Cupcake: Ah, now it gets even more complicated.
Kaylie: YES IT DOES!
Kaylie: See, Jacqueline (who we'll call "Lynn" from now on) got sick with malaria, and Mortimer, who was overseeing the factories in the colonies while his brother was in England, saw a chance to reclaim the family's honour
Kaylie: he poisoned Pardal and the children-- Jack (then called Magpie, 6 years younger than Lynn) and Henry (nicknamed Hen) who was two years younger than him, and six years old at the time.
Cupcake: Magpie!?
Kaylie: well, yes. He liked shiny things
Kaylie: he had a legitimate name once, but they forgot it
Cupcake: Wait a sec, where does Jack live?
Kaylie: Pardal gave birth to him while gallivating around the Caribbean on her little sloop with all her old pirate buddies
Kaylie: as a family, they lived in Savannah, in the colony of Georgia
Cupcake: So he's her full brother, not her half brother?
Kaylie: he's her half- brother, but Pardal raised him as a full-brother
Kaylie: She claimed that her husband was the father
Kaylie: Mortimer didn't find out for several years that wasn't true
Kaylie: so Pardal had a second son, Hen, by her husband, 'cause he didn't know Magpie wasn't his
Cupcake: Ah! See, I thought that Jack had a different mother, and that Lynn was the illegitimate child.
Kaylie: ah, ok. other way around. ^_^
Kaylie: Lynn's only half pirate ;P
Kaylie: Anyway, back to Mortimer killing his brother's family in cold blood
Cupcake: So the perfect connection between Jack and Becks,
Kaylie: hmm?
Cupcake: Yes, back to the killing.
Kaylie: lol, ok
Kaylie: When Hen died, Pardal knew something was wrong because her grandfather, the colorful pirate Pardal Jack who travelled around the world collecting various magics (remember him?) had done a good deed for a witch and she rewarded him by protecting him and his family line from diseases, accidents, etc.
Kaylie: Which, coincidentally, is why Jack doesn't have any STDs
Cupcake: lol
Cupcake: Is that also why he hasn't got any accidental children with wenches?
Kaylie: I'm sure he has, like, 20 accidental children
Kaylie: sorry, the witch didn't cover that. >P
Cupcake: Toddlers sashaying around going "savvy".
Kaylie: The witch had also cursed/blessed the family line so that they would not be betrayed and their good deeds would be rewarded, but their betrayals and bad deeds would *always* be punished
Kaylie: which is why Jack died for trying to wriggle out of his agreement with Davy Jones, btw
Kaylie: so anyway, Pardal realized that her unfaithfulness to her husband had doomed the family, so she sacrificed her soul (she can never be brought back) in order to save her two children left (Hen was already gone)
Kaylie: (P.S. Lynn's childhood nickname is Pigeon, in case you wanted to know.
Kaylie: She was a little pudgy. >P)
Kaylie: Unfortunately, Maggie had fallen in a death-like coma (which malaria victims did a lot-- that's why vaults have bells that ring when a "corpse" moves) and Lynn, who'd recovered first, thought her entire family was dead
Kaylie: She blames Mortimer immediately, and vows to kill him, and so he carts her off to England and her father shuts her up in the attic of a rich friend's house, not wanting to send her to an asylum but unable to deal with her ravings, either
Kaylie: Meanwhile, back in Savannah....
Kaylie: Three coffins are being taken to the graveyard to be buried, and then one of the corpses starts beating on the coffin and screaming to be let out
Kaylie: They open the coffin, up pops Maggie, and he runs off, never to be heard from again
Cupcake: runs off? Just like that?
Kaylie: As a result of the trauma and the sickness, he has no memory of what happened, he's scared, the gravediggers are mean, so he runs away
Kaylie: he ends up at the harbour where Teague recognizes him and takes him aboard
Cupcake: No, I mean he was sick and as good as dead. How could he run?
Kaylie: Maybe he stumbled a bit. I'm not really sure how people woke up from these comas-- they could've been very weak, or just fine [Also, Pardal's sacrifice could have caused a complete and sudden recovery]
Kaylie: either way, it's very dark, he's small, he stumbles off and the gravediggers can't be arsed to catch him
Kaylie: Mortimer certainly doesn't want him back
Cupcake: You think Jack will be punished for betraying Becks, however stupid that deal was?
Cupcake: Or did that already happen with his ship being gone again?
Kaylie: Yeah, that's it
Kaylie: ^_^
Kaylie: You wanna know how he was able to betray Becks?
Cupcake: Why, I thought he can betray people, but he gets punished for it.
Kaylie: yes, but Becks is protected against betrayal by the ritual he and Lynn did while killing Mortimer, remember?
Cupcake: Ah, yes!
Cupcake: How?
Kaylie: so, the power of the spell was based on "a betrayer betrayed, a murderer murdered" and thus was contingent on the fact that Mortimer had betrayed and killed Pardal, Magpie, and Hen
Kaylie: except Magpie isn't dead, see?
Kaylie: So the magic is strong enough that it works just fine, BUT, it doesn't apply to Magpie (Jack.)
Cupcake: Aaaaaah!
Kaylie: Isn't that clever? ::is proud of herself::
Cupcake: YESH, IT ISH!
Kaylie: :P
Cupcake: I love you and I want your babies.
Kaylie: ::beams::
Kaylie: just to check-- Will didn't betray Beckett, did he? Just Jack
Kaylie: or at least, Will didn't betray Beckett until after Jack did
Cupcake: Nah, he was perfectly faithful to Becks. Until Jack wasn't.
Kaylie: in which case, Jack's betrayal broke the whole spell
Cupcake: Or, Will's not himself anymore, however that may change things I dunno.
Kaylie: I'd better say it broke the spell, 'cause otherwise you get issues about other fishy/undead people betraying Beckett
Cupcake: Indeed.
Cupcake: You know, I wonder what Cuttlefish'd think of himself seeing himself in his... what, late 30s?
Kaylie: unfortunately, he'll never get to
Kaylie: only one type of soul per universe, remember?
Kaylie: UNLESS
Cupcake: unless?
Kaylie: they go to a different World's End, the junction of all universes, and he sees a different version of himself
Kaylie: Cuttlefish would also be matched up with the Lynn from his universe, dead by his hand, instead of this older woman who claims to be married to him
Kaylie: ...and you have like, three versions of James, a few of Jack, and some wacked out Black Pearls
Kaylie: And Hen, because he's adorable
Cupcake: This will end in incest of the most incestic kind. Like multiple!Jack kink.
Kaylie: lol, maybe
Kaylie: I love my hardcore James, though
Cupcake: hardcore James, who has this name because...
Kaylie: in an alternate universe, he was kidnapped as a midshipman and sold into slavery. He mouthed off to his owner one too many times so the owner cut out his tongue
Kaylie: James killed him and escaped, and goes around being generally badass and bitter
Cupcake: and tongueless.
Kaylie: yes. Norrington! unable to snark!
Kaylie: It's very sad.
Kaylie: He sort of teams up with batshitcrazy!Lynn
Kaylie: a Lynn from the period when she was hunting down Mortimer; she went to a Caledonian witch (up in Scotland) and got some spells to help her hunt him down (she did this in canon, actually) but also get two reindeer shinbones (the spiky thing in Jack's hair) and had them tied to her wrists, so she can stab people
Kaylie: But these aren't *all* the incarnations, just the special ones who went there on purpose
Cupcake: You know, I bet most of the parallel!universe James are dead at early age anyway. He's that kind of person.
Kaylie: yeah, lots of Wee!Jameses running around dead. :(
Cupcake: :( Also, he's sailor. That already gives him a good chance to die without being on an honor!trip of any kind.
Kaylie: yeah.
Cupcake: And unlike Jack, he doesn't have a spell to protect him.
Kaylie: Not until he's about 14, at least ;)
Cupcake: Aaaah!
Kaylie: MUAHAHA! You didn't think that was the whole story, did you?

As I mentioned in my last post, this is about 20% of the story-- we didn't even get to Norrington's backstory, or much of Jack's! There's so many OCs you haven't met yet! :D

Feel free to nitpick and ask questions in the comments-- the universe is rather unwieldy; I probably have plot holes (or what seem to be plot holes until I coherently explain them), and it's easier to tell the omgepic story if I'm responding to a question.

writing, notebook transcription, pirates of the caribbean, hoynitsi universe

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