Screw you, Sandman. Screw. You.

Feb 27, 2008 07:59

Ok. So. I took my take-home film theory midterm this morning from 4am to 6am, and did really well, I think. Now I have to finish my "memoranda of understanding" for three books for my Caribbean Lit seminar. An MOU is an informal, 2 page paper which consists of, basically, me explaining how well I understand the work. It can be all summary, some analysis is a good idea, and if I have something to argue, then that's excellent. We can combine these three for a 6 page MOU, and I have 3 pages already done on the book I found most interesting. Which means that whatever's left is on the less interesting books, but whatever. It's informal, it's three pages, it's not due for another 5 hours. Totally not the problem. In the same class I also have to do a 15 minutes presentation on the less interesting books, but I'm perfectly capable of pulling that together in the time I have. Five hours is, in fact, an incredibly generous amount of time. The problem?

I slept only three hours last night, and three the night before.

The three hours the night before are from me being stupid and from caffiene, you know, being caffiene. Which is fine, because I got those three pages done. That may not seem like a lot, and it was only an hour's worth of work out of the whole day, but it got me started and that was the important thing. It enabled me to get to work quickly today.

So, why did I only sleep for three hours last night, if I knew I'd have plenty of time to get my work done? BECAUSE THE UNIVERSE HATES ME. I lasted through my afternoon class, made it to dinner, came back to my room, and fell asleep. All according to plan. AND THEN I WOKE UP. THREE HOURS LATER. Which you know, would be FINE because I'm still capable of writing a fabulous midterm (a theory employing viewer response, such as Sobchack and Nichols posit, is definitely most important for interpreting Bunuel's Land Without Bread but theories of text and author are crucial as well and Bazin would totally love reality tv doncha know) and an insightful MOU (sure, Naipaul's been mentally colonized, but deep down inside, he and Glissant are worried about the same thing!) but after that, I, uh, need to sleep? But I can't because I have a three-hour seminar class this afternoon? And I kinda need to do a presentation? Which, you know, requires SPEAKING SKILLS? Like, those skills that are THE FIRST THINGS TO GO OUT THE WINDOW WHEN I DON'T GET ENOUGH SLEEP?

My best hope is to take a nap before class but my skin is crawling with caffiene so I'm not sure that's gonna happen. You know, if all my classes were at 3 in the morning I wouldn't have this problem. It'd be nice if the library were open then, too. You know what would be nicest, though? IF I HADN'T WOKEN UP AFTER THREE STUPID HOURS OF SLEEP. FOR THE SECOND DAY IN A ROW, BTW. OR MAYBE IF, I DUNNO, I COULD FALL ASLEEP WHEN I WANT TO AND NOT ONLY WHEN I'M EXHAUSTED. You know what my most vivid memory from childhood is? Not falling asleep. I've been an insomniac from about the age of three and that's kinda not fucking fair.

ETA: I did in fact get a 3 hour nap before class, and spoke very well during my presentation (as well as incited various enthusiastic discussions.) So, a winner is me? Sandman can SUCK IT. We have a difficult love-hate relationship, really. We'll make up over spring break and spend lots of time together. ^_^

need sleep

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