Hey all! This one I made aaaages ago, and uploaded all the pictures to Photobucket and the file to Mediafire, but never got around to posting.
It's a nightclub for downtown that is basically Indian/Moroccan themed... exotic pretty much. It was inspired by a club I saw featured in just a tiny panel in a People magazine or something like that... also called Goa, some fancy place where celebrities go. ;) I thought my Simmies might like to go too! So I built this place :).
Now one thing to know is that I made a bit of a bonehead move when I built this... the front of the building is not facing the front of the lot! So basically the payphone is at the side of the building, and cars pull up there too. I think I did put another payphone in closer to the entrance but just an FYI.. won't really affect playing all that much!
Has some CC but surprisingly not too much... Maxis actually really delivers with this theme! I was surprised building it how little I needed.