Aug 01, 2009 23:40
So farily good day today.
Finaly saw the Least Clubtail!!
It only took 4 diferent visites to the site....the others were a total disastor but this one...this one was the jackpot! 14 individuals of the species i was hoping for (when even just one would have made me happy!) 14!!! or was it 16? ya 16 I think...most were males, but I also saw two females! Which was more than I expected! (Usualy females are off somewhere else as to not get harrased by males.)
So I was exceedinly happy with the turn out!
Thing I am not happy with is my new camera.
Really not.
ALL the photos are noisy and 'soft'. Ya I got some good shots but none are really crisp and none are to the quality I would expect from an SLR. Now maybee its because I'm still new to using it but still. I am not impressed. I forgot my regular point and shoot at home and now, looking at the photos, I really wish I had brought it.
*sigh* No I'm not easy to please. I have high expectations and after spending so much friggen money on this camera I expect results. Not just good results but GREAT results. I could improve the quality of the in hand shots by getting a macro lends but really...why should I have to spend three times the money for ever type of lends out there? The one that came with the camera is sorly disapointing me. I used it for in hand shots and they are totaly grainy and soft....sure I can expect that with the telephoto zoom when I have it at full 300 but with the other, holding the bug right up to the lends? Really expeted better.
So disapointed in the photos that I may have to make another trip to get some crisp shots with the point and shoot....sad.
But I was so very happy with the numbers today! I was starting to think maybe I had missed this species flight season (they were first spotted here early July and dragonflies can be eaten by just about everyone else in the food web), so I was happy they were still around, let alone around in such high numbers!
And the females were a nice addition. Unexpected so I was pleased.