Dec 03, 2004 19:57 was an interasting day. LoL. I got outa school at 12:45 to perform for the junior high for choir. Well we had to line up at the sides and i was the first one out. And i go to walk up on the bleachers and i step on my dress and i fall infront of the WhOLE junior high. Lmao it was SO funny. I came home and my sister was imatating me falling. Dear lord it was funny. i thought i was going to pee myself. I also had to perform tonight..i was scared i was going to fall again. But i didnt thank god :)
I went to Cassies with Brit and Jessie and Catherine came and picked us up and we went to wendy's. Jessie kept on laughing and her laugh was annoying me (sry jessie i love u!) We didnt want to go in the school and eat so we sat in her car. and the windows got really foggy. and catherine was pretending to have sex and it was really funny because shes the type of person taht doesnt talk barely and when they do its really not hearable. so yeah that was funny. And holy cow that girl can sing!
I got a new screen name for AIM its FalsHop3sHigh Xx...add it to your buddy list! :)
Brits mom is know home from the hospital. I went and saw her today. She makes me laugh. even tho she cant barely move or leave the house..she still puts make up on. Thats Brits mom for ya.
I had to do my nutrition presentation today in nut. It was our exam. People in my group are douches..well not so much SHawn but deffinatly maggie. She didnt talk the whole time and i had to do all the fricken talking. Maggie's annoying because she tries to act ghetto..People like that annoy me. Well mrs. lyman said we got above a C so i geuss thats good enough...
And then i was up tehre singing with all the choirs and I look at Janelle and i decided to do our "finger motiong" ahha they are great so everytime i wud look at her i wud start laughing hastarically. God i love her. She is my bitch <33. :)
Ok well bye.
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