I haven't posted in forever. I don't mean to let time go by so long but it just happens. I guess life happens.
Anyway, all is good. Just working my ass off. Still bartending. I have 2 jobs now. I am still at Sloopy's pub and I also work at the American Legion. That's a pretty good gig money wise. It's work and it pays the bills so I am greatful for that!
Summer is going by WAYYYYY to fast. The kids start back to school August 19th. That's only a month away! Kori's looking forward to it. The other 2 kids, not so much. Erin will be a sophomore, Kori will be in 7th and Adrian will be in 6th. Doesn't seem possible but it is!
I haven't taken many pics lately. my camera was in the shop for a bit. The strap piece that attatches to the camera broke.....again! I asked to have it cleaned and tuned up while it was in the shop but they failed to do that so I guess if I want that done I am going to have to send it in again which I am not happy about. I think I am going to sell it soon and get something different. I'm not sure but I think I may want to switch to a Nikon. The only thing is that I have a bunch of Canon lenses so i'll have to start all over again but I am just not really happy with my Canon anymore.
I did take my camera to the conservatory yesterday. Greg's neice was visiting us for the past couple weeks. She left this morning but I took some pics of the kids and butterflies and stuff. :)
I haven't posted pics in so long. I hope I remember! lol
When my best friend was pregnant I did her maternity shots. This one
was my favorite
If you want to see the rest,
you can go here. :)
Well I got to go get ready for work. :(
Edit: Apparently I forgot!!!! I don't have time to deal with it now. I'll figure it out later.
Have a Great day and I will Do my best to post more!