Original Meme |
January 2012 (7,885 words) | February 2012 (6,028 words) |
March 2012 (Pending) Acceptance of New Prompts is Now CLOSED for February
The Rules of the Month
Tell me a story I haven’t written, and I will give you at least 1-3 sentences from or about it. However, at the rate I'm going it will be more.
(1) One prompt per person.
(2) There will be 10 spaces this month. First come, first serve.
(3) Crossover prompts are allowed and encouraged.
(4) Fandoms that are a definite include: NCIS, BtVS, Supernatural, Terminator, Highlander, Sentinel, Stargate Verses, Original; Other fandoms are possible, but I might have to bow out if I'm not able to do that prompt and request a different prompt from the prompter.
(1) NCIS/Sentinel. Blair has to call Tony to call in a favor.
In the Best Interest of...WORD COUNT: 418
(2) NCIS: "I told you it wouldn't be pretty if I took that."
New Real EstateWORD COUNT: 670
(3) The one where Tony invites Gibbs in "for coffee"...and Gibbs wants coffee. (How does Tony convince Gibbs there's more interesting stuff to be had?)
Waste Not, Want LotsWORD COUNT: 650
(4) NCIS/BtVS- Tony is a Watcher and the Slayer he's secretly working with was once known as Kelly Gibbs.
Familiar EyesWORD COUNT: 954
(5) The NCIS team -together- but in ANY other work than law enforcement. Canon acting in an severe AU, Please use the "core 4" at least(Gibbs, Tony, Abby, Ducky)
Gibbs' BasementWORD COUNT: 408
(6) NCIS/Stargate: how it's discovered that Gibbs has the ATA gene.
It GlowsWORD COUNT: 434
(7) NCIS. Gibbs chooses Ziva on the tarmac. Gibbs/Dinozzo HEA.
Sail AwayWORD COUNT: 1,183
(8) Wendy comes back to try to get Tony back and finds that Tony's already very very happy ... with Gibbs.
Finding ClosureSPOILERS: 09x15 Secrets
(9) Abby got her first tattoo because of Faith... Not that she'd ever tell her that.
Cross to BearWORD COUNT: 586
(10) Gibbs/DiNozzo Spanking Fic (to be worked on / hopefully completed from my WIP list)