Original Meme | January 2012 (7,885 words) |
February 2012 (6,028 words) |
March 2012 (Pending) In attempt to get myself writing more in 2012, I've decided to take a page from
sinfulslasher's book and do this monthly. For this first one, I'm going to carry over the 14 prompts I have not answered yet and have room for one more.
My last post netted 13 comment fics and 1 bonus comment. You can find them all
The Rules
Tell me a story I haven’t written, and I will give you at least 1-3 sentences from or about it.
(1) Two prompts per person per month. (Except this first one where there is only space left open and none of the ones carried over can provide a new prompt).
(2) There will be 15 spaces each month. First come, first serve.
(3) Crossover prompts are allowed.
(4) Fandoms that are a definite include: NCIS, BtVS, Supernatural, Terminator, Highlander, Sentinel, Stargate Verses; Other fandoms are possible, but I might have to bow out if I'm not able to do that prompt and request a different prompt from the prompter.
(1) Gibbs accidentally stimulated by Tony at a crime scene.
Third Time's the CharmWORD COUNT: 300
(2) Gibbs/Tony plane or car crash.
When the Call CameWORD COUNT: 372
(3) Someone from the team dies suddenly (of illness, etc, not work causes) Please not Ducky. How does the team react, esp Gibbs and Tony.
The EulogyWORD COUNT: 900
WARNINGS: Character Death; Spoilers for Season 09
(4) Gibbs thinks he's seeing Shannon and/or Kelly everywhere. What's up with that?
His Guardians, His FamilyWORD COUNT: 2,241
(5) Gibbs, Tony, and EJ. Safe House. Snowstorm.
(un)Safe HouseWORD COUNT: 215
WARNINGS: Crack, Character Death & Spoilers for Season 09.
(6) Senior is dating someone Tony knows. He comes clean to his son. Bonus if it is someone totally unexpected ;)
Change of SceneryWORD COUNT: 230
(7) Tony has a head injury and thinks he's... (insert movie/Tv character)
The LeapWORD COUNT: 177
(8) The real reason Gibbs's marriages failed.... he had a hot young police officer on the side
SearchingWORD COUNT: 736
(9) Gibbs reacts oddly (read becomes horny) to the smell of some chemical (or natural plant -- mind thought catnip, but whatever), and it's a major part of a case.
It Is Catnip!WORD COUNT: 226
(10) On a long drive to a crime scene, Gibbs threatens to pull the car over if the squabbling in the backseat doesn't stop.
The Ivy or the SwitchWORD COUNT: 373
(11) Boat skeleton as bondage frame.
Additional TrainingWORD COUNT: 349
(12) Gibbs on crutches. Tony appoints himself as 'helpful assistant'.
A Helping HandWORD COUNT: 279
(13) Deep Six: The Musical.
Deep Six: The MusicalWORD COUNT: 223
(14) The one where Gibbs, Tony and Abby play strip poker.
All or NothingWORD COUNT: 264
(15) The one that involves Lady Gaga's Teeth somehow.
Finding PerfectionWORD COUNT: 1,000