Title: Two Cups of Coffee
kaylashay81Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: I'm not Bellesario or CBS, so I don't claim to own them.
Genre: Pre-Slash
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Spoilers: Post - 07x10 Faith
Word Count: 200
The Twelve Days of Christmas Summary: On the second day of Christmas, two cups of coffee were shared in Gibbs' kitchen.
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12Tony rolled off the air mattress and winced when his back popped in several places as he stretched. He wasn’t sure what was wrong with the guest room, but Gibbs had it closed off and Jackson was occupying the couch. He was surprised that Gibbs hadn’t offered Jackson the bed and taken the couch for himself.
Glancing around, he saw that Jack was still sleeping on the couch and there was no telltale smell of coffee indicating Gibbs was awake. Wandering into the kitchen, he sighed when he saw it was only five in the morning. Sleep hadn’t been easy for him for a long time and apparently staying under the same roof as Gibbs didn’t help matters any.
Tony got the coffee pot going, knowing that Gibbs would be awake soon. While he waited, he stared out the frosted window deep in thought about his life and what he really wanted with Gibbs.
“Maybe I should have just gotten a room somewhere,” Tony muttered.
“Nonsense, Kid,” Jack’s voice carried through the room. “Now let’s get some of this coffee poured out and me and you can have a talk.”
Jack poured two cups and led Tony to the table.
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