Jul 08, 2010 22:01
- 00:00 @ nonethericher I LOVE YOU <3 #
- 00:00 Oh, hi. #
- 00:01 @ Hearttrend Hey! #
- 00:42 @ jendangula How are you? #
- 00:42 @ Hearttrend Headache #
- 01:09 @ jendangula A little. Just tired now. #
- 01:22 I'm so out of it. Night. #
- 10:51 Cleaned out my list somewhat. I won't follow if you don't follow me. #
- 11:18 Good morning, by the way. #
- 11:44 I am determined to finish The Struggle today. #
- 11:47 SO JEALOUS. RT @CrazyEmmy25: ooooh Caprica panel #SDCC #
- 12:01 *snort* Zac! RT @LieutenantLoker: "17 again" is...creepy. #
- 12:01 So my uncle is in the hospital, my grandma isn't taking it too well, and my mom might come up. Nervous breakdown much? #
- 12:04 @ LieutenantLoker Just a little. #
- 12:04 @ CrazyEmmy25 o.0 #
- 12:06 @ CrazyEmmy25 Aww #
- 12:30 @ CrazyEmmy25 You have an RP account? #
- 12:42 @ CrazyEmmy25 Who? #
- 18:14 I was about to bitch about work. Then I saw my check, realized I got a 15 cent an hour increase in pay, and am now happy. #
- 18:15 Granted, a little over $ 100 taken out in taxes, but eh. #
- 18:24 Random guy: Women have always been like that. That's why they're ruining this country, son. Ruining it. Me: *thinking* Well, fuck you too. #
- 21:54 Fuck my job. After tonight, I'm ready to quit. #
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