I want school to start. Two more weeks.
I also really can't wait for the day where Paul and I don't have to say "see ya later this week/next week" and we can say "see you after work/school" everyday.
There are two things I am certain about in life right now - going to school is the best thing for me, and my relationship with Paul. He's deactivated any possible dating whatever app and shit, and his Facebook. I have no question in my mind about our relationship. This sounds so stupid, but I never thought I would find someone so compatible after my relationship with bud. It was a terrible relationship. And I definitely never would have thought I would find someone so okay with me having a kid, let alone wanting one or two of his own. I told myself I wanted one more and I was done. I am so okay with forgoing that and having a third because I want to share that Paul. And I can't WAIT for that to happen. LOVE
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