Dec 29, 2004 17:32
GUYS GUESS WHAT!?!?!? Today is Wend. that means that a week from today I get my cast off. I just want to make this a BULITIN for everyone....I have been working my ASS off to get all my home work done so that when my teahcer comes on monday I can give her everything and be ready to go back. Now I am stil affriad that my poor brain isnt ready for Chemistry exams, or for my Anatomy exams, but I will make it through I always have! SOooooo HOPEFULLY I have about a week left before I get to use my own foot!! I TOOK MY FIRST STEP TODAY.....I am pushing to get better. I want to be back at school with everyone. I want Lunch back(even though i wont have it for the first week i will probably being doing makeup work.) I want to hang out and joke. I WANT BAND BACK. I miss it. I know me...who wanted to quit...I want to go every day and challenge myself. I want to practice every night in some way or another!!! I want ME back. I am not who i want to be right now. I want to go back and take notes, and drive to school in the morning (taking a couple friends :)) And fight my way out of the damn parking lot after school, and hang out with Sterling and Joey in the morning. I want to go to placement. I want to WALK!!! I am working so hard...and you know i realized that the reason i am workig hard is...bbecause for once in my life I AM IN CHARGE. I dont have some one ordering me to do my walking, I choose to wake up and do it. I dont have a teacher monitoring my school work and giving me deadlines so I make my own. I am going to have every ounce of work that i have assigned completed by the time me and my teacher meet next week. Then I will only have next weeks work and I can get that done ASAP. I want to go back. I really do miss all the little things you take for granit. The little conversations in class, the morning anouncments, and the conversations i occasionally had with the lunch ladys. And i missed starting Monday exhausted but looking forward to friday, becuase i get to go to GSA. I miss everything, and i am a week away from this all being over. I am so glad. It seems like forever since I saw Joey, and Eric, and Kelli(well i saw her last week), Mr. A, Tessa, and even Randy cant wait to come back
Love you guys