Jun 20, 2006 17:56
Man, it's been a while, but so much has been going on in my life. So much that I know I could never even begin to get it all in.
Starting with my health...I spent most of last night in the hospital. I had been having stomach pains in my right side since Saturday. I had fever, I threw up on Sunday, and by Monday I could not even eat. I finally mentioned it to my mom. She insisted that I go to the doctor because it could have been my appendix. I called Dr. Day and got an appointment for later that day. When he was examing me he found on a rather large lump where I was complaining of pain. He decided to to have me get an ultrasound to see if it could possibly just be an ovarian cyst. The ultrasound showed no cysts and Dr. Day concluded that it was probably my appendix and sent me to the Lake's emergency room. I called my mom and asked her to go with me because I was scared and didn't want to go by myself. She told me to meet her at the office and she would drive me over there. We got to the Lake and checked in to ER. Thankfully, Dr. Day had called them ahead of time so I didn't have to wait too long to get some attention. We went and I had to put on one of those gross little hospital gowns. I felt so exposed in that little thing. Anyway, the nurse came in and took my vitals for the third time that day. (My vitals were taking 6 times in all) After that she sent the practitioner in to examine me. He found the lump and began putting pressure on it. It hurt so bad. I was in so much pain that I just started balling my eyes. He finally stopped and told my mother that it did seem to be the appendix. He said a CAT scan needed to be done to make sure and if it was in fact the appendix, then we they would do emergency surgery later that night. He sent for a nurse to get me something to help with the pain. The second urine sample confirmed that it was not a bladder infection. The nurse came back in to put the IV in. Something I was hoping we would have to do because I hate needles. They gave me nausea and pain killers through the IV, and then told me to drink the contrast that would be the dye for my X-rays. The actual doctor came in and did the same things the practitioner had and said he also believed it was the appendix. I had barely finished drinking the contrast when the medicine knocked me out. It was so weird because I could hear everything going on around me, but I couldn't seem to open my eyes or hold myself up. It took over two hours for the contrast to get to the area they needed to see, but finally someone came to take me to radiation. It was really strange because I could feel my bed being rolled down the hall and I could even occasionally see the lights passing over my eyes, but it's like my brain couldn't fully process what was going on. I don't even remember seeing the faces of the nurses and X-ray assistants, but I rememeber their voices. I remember them switching me from the stretcher to the X-ray bed, and I remember feeling the different medicine flow in through the IV, especially the dye which gave a hot sensation starting at my mouth and flowing to the pelvis. It only took about 10 minutes to finish all the scans and they put me back on my bed and rolled me back to my room. Not longer after arriving back there, I asked to be brought to the bathroom. It was such a pain in the ass to go to the bathroom because they wouldn't let me go by myself. They insisted to put me in a wheelchair and roll me into the bathroom EVERYTIME I had to go. By the time I got back the results from the CAT scan were already back. LUCKILY, it was not the appendix and no surgery would be needed. It was a ruptured cyst that apparently the ultrasound had just not picked up. He said it would get rid of itself with 1 to 3 months. He gave me Naprosyn and Lortab to help with the pain and said to take it easy for a while. So I am back home, feeling a little better, and even eating again.
I met someone a couple of months ago that I had an immediate and amazing connection with. We spent all our time together, had so much fun, and I was truly happy for one of the first times in a LONG time. However, things are never perfect and now things have gotten to a point where we aren't speaking. It really hurts me because I knew things shouldn't be this way. I'm trying to fix things, but I really just don't know how. I'm really hurting and I don't want to lose them. At this point, I would even give up my active single life and be completely exclusive to just have them back in my life. I don't know what else to do. I don't know how to get it back, but I really want to. Should I continue to try and try or just let it go??? I really just don't know.
DJ has popped in my life again. Pretty much out of nowhere. Maybe it is possible for us to have a friendship after everything that has happened. We'll see.
Amanda and I are moving on Friday, but this time we'll be gaining her older sister Nicole as the third roommate. The new apartment is at Citiscape at Essen. They are so adorable and only about 2 years old. We have signed the lease and can pick up our keys at 10 Friday morning, but Amanda and Nicole are leaving Saturday to go on vacation, so I'll be there by myself for the first few days. They'll move in the next Saturday after their vacation. Let's just say I am beyond excited to moveout of our dump and into such a cute place. Plus, we get to decorate.
Jared comes back on the first and I can't wait to spend time with him again. I feel like he's become so distant. I just really miss him. I need hime back here with me. I don't know how much more I can go through without him.
I got to hang out with Kyle and Marc the other day which was hella fun, and Victoria came in which was also really exciting.
My trip to Panama was a lot of fun. It was such a needed time away from work.
Anyways, I'm becoming tired again so I'm out