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May 24, 2005 13:25

LONG TIME!! havent updated in FOREVER!! wow things have been pretty much the same they could be going better...school is out in like 2-3 wks which is good one thing of my shoulders...work is shitty they bitch at me cuz i got a fucking 96 out of 100!! are u kidding me thats fucking retarded! whatever uhh i dunno theres this certain person that has a bad habit of making me feel like shit like every fucking day! he says shit to me that just fucking hurts me like none other and he doesnt even give a shit that i fucking feel like shit and cry bcuz of him!! so gay! neways
me and steph went up north this past weekend!! SO AMAZING that was the best time ever! i swear i was laughing all the time! so many memories love! i love you to death! dunno where i would be if i didnt have u by my side every step of the way! i love you wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much!BFF neways thats it for now kids love you!!
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