Dec 16, 2004 13:23
Wow, it's been over a week since I've updated so this might be a long one.
I guess I should start out with last Wednesday which could only mean one thing...LOST! It showed a little more of Jack's backstory, but I couldn't help but not caring because THEY STILL HADN'T FOUND CHARLIE OR CLAIRE! So they are looking for them through the whole episode, and at one part, after Jack falls down this hill (I don't remember's been a while since I've watched it) evil Ethan dude comes up, slaps him around a bit, and tells him that if he doesn't stop following them, he will kill one of them (one of them being either Charlie or Claire). DO HUH?! You can't do that! But anway, they keep looking at guess what Jack and Kate find? OMGMYCHARLIEHANGINGFROMATREEBYAROPE! So I'm freaking out at this point, and Jack's trying to give him CPR, but OMGHESSTILLNOTBREATHING! After what seemed like ten minutes, I'm starting to believe that Charlie is actually going to die (NOOOOOOOO!!!!) because Jack's practicing beating him trying to get him to breath. Now I'm practically in tears because he's still just layign there and FINALLY he breaths! Whew. Then they show Charlie sitting around the fire back at camp, and the sad look on his face just broke my heart! At first, he won't even talk to Jack when he tries to ask him about Claire, but he finally says something along the lines of "they only wanted her" and that "he doesn't remember anything." AND THAT'S WHERE IT ENDS! Grrr.... Now I have to wait until January to find out if Claire is okay!!!
*cough* Okay, I swear I'm done talking about Lost. I know I'm into this show way too much. lol
Let's see, Saturday I had my ACTs. I think I did okay, but I don't want to get my hopes up too much. If I can just get that one more little point, I will be happy. I guess I'll see in four to six weeks. I went Christmas shopping that afternoon to get a few presents I had to pick up.
Thus begins the dreaded Exam Week. *dun dun dunnnn*
Tuesday I had my chemistry exam. After studying for this as much as I did, I was pretty confident that I did good. Turns out that I did, and with the extra two points added from turning all my tests back in, I got a 101! Yay! One down, four to go.
Now, that afternoon I did nothing but study when I got home, because not only did I have a band party at Logans at 8:00, but the Return of the King EE came out that day!! EEEEEE! Me and Jonathan left early so we could get it at FYE and after waiting for it for what seemed like forever, I finally had it in my hands! :D And I got the new Muse CD while I was there too, so I was double happy! So, after getting home from the party, I first watched the secret easter egg with Dom playing a prank on Elijah. Elijah was in New York doing a interview with a person in Berlin but he couldn't see them. He only had a camera in front of him and an ear piece in. Well, Dom just happened to be in Berlin then, so he gets on there, puts on a fake German accent and starts asking Elijah all of these personal and stupid questions. Elijah has no clue it's Dom, so he's sitting trying to answer all these questions this idiot is asking him, and lets just say I was rolling on the floor laughing when it was over. LOL. That's great TV right there. I still have yet to watch the whole movie (I fastforwarded through it to see some of the new parts), but I'm finally going to see it tonight (more about that later).
Wednesday, I had my MS studies exam and my trig. exam. I hadn't even studied for MS Studies that much, but I new it would be easy, and it was. I was a little more worried about the trig. one, but about thirty minutes after we had started it, Mrs. Ratliff let us make it a group test. YES! I know I did good on that one. Only one more to go.
Today (Thursday) was the big one. English. The one I had studied for the most. The test ended up not being that bad, though, and there were only about two questions I was a little unsure of.
I still can't believe I'm FINALLY done with all those stupid exams. It feels so great, and I don't even have to go to school tomorrow because I don't have a sixth or seventh period class.
Laken, Tracie, Jennifer, and Bonnie are coming over tonight to watch ROTK EE and I'll finally get to see the whole thing. I have to go and pack now because we're leaving tomorrow on my trip to Paris and London. I can't wait! I'll be sure to post pictures when I get back! Au revoir!