Dec 03, 2004 11:44
Well, another week gone by and I've finally made it to the weekend. WOO-HOO!
Let's see, Wednesday I got to get out of class all day because we had Future Problem Solving practice. This time our subject was terrorism, and I think we ended up doing okay. I actually enjoy doing it a lot more than I thought I would when I signed up, so it's not that bad.
Yesterday (Thursday) night was the Christmas parade. Unfortunately, it was the same night as the sports banquet, so a lot of the band people would be missing. So, Mr. Moore decided to let the high school march with the junior high, but not make it manditory that we be there. Well, I would have actually come, but I would have had to play my flute instead of getting to do colorguard, so I opted for Plan B: staying at home in my warm room and doing loads of homework. Not great fun, but I did get a lot accomplished.
Today has been alright. I finished my algebra test from yesterday, and I actually think I did okay on it. I also had a chemistry test today too, but I'm sure I did really well on it (yeah, that studying last night did pay off lol).
After I go to pick Jonathan up at three, we're going with our mom to Tupelo, and guess what. I get to reserve my copy of The Return of the King EE *squee* I'm know I'm a dork, but I don't care. I've been waiting for this freakin' DVD forever and I'm really excited just thinking that I'll get it in less than two weeks!
This weekend I have made a promise to myself that I would study for my ACT, no matter how much I don't want to. I also have to make that stupid collage for English that's due Monday. *sigh* At least I only have two more weeks until I get out of school. I just need to keep thinking about that...
Well, I guess that's it for now. Later.