Stressed -- so forgive the rambling! haha

Feb 06, 2006 23:06

Well, Im setting here stressed completely out of my mind. I have a biology test tommorrow that I am so not ready for, Im spazzing out cause I can't find a prom dress that I like.. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!! I want to do Miss RC again this year, I had such a blast last year, it was so much fun! But like everything else there is alot of Drama involved, there are a few that just absolutely go nuts if they don't beat others. But I don't know what to do with my hair cause like a dummmy I cut it off and I don't know what to do.. again any help would be greatly appreciated haha This semester is gonna be the death of me. I can get my license next month and guess what, I still can't drive my car!! It's a straight drive and I am having a terrible time learning, mom said I have another month and then she is gonna trade it on something else. We play Twin Springs friday, so again stressed over that. Don't know what it is about playing them but we bring out the best/worst in each other haha Softball starts soon and so does Baseball for Nate. It's starting to hit me hard that he will be graduating in a few months :( Not being at school with him next year will take a real adjustment, I dread it. Hopefully someone will give me some advice on how to deal with that! We have been together 6 months this month. Sometimes thats hard to belive and then again it seems like its been longer than that. My family and Nate have started playing paintball with Steven, Jessee and some others on the weekends and that has been a blast. I would never have thought that we would all like it like we do. For anyone who has never tried it, its fun, but makes for a longgggg day haha oh yeah, and I have no idea what im gonna get Nate for Valentines day! OH well, I am sorry this has been so random. Guess I just needed to ramble on lol Good Night everyone.
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