Jun 06, 2007 23:32
I forgot all about Livejournal untill like....20 seconds ago! I use to write in here all the time!! what happened to those days? Like freshman and sophomore year when everyone was still friends? its funny how people change. I changed alot too, im not denying it. i miss everyone, alot. i wish we would all just be friends again. and if anyone reads this, i hope you know who you are.
Writing in here is a one time thing. its not like its gonna be my new thing to do. just bored as hell and i was like...OMG LIVEJOURNAL!! and i literally LOLed. it was great. (or would that be spelled lolled? lawled? forget it)
Summer is finally here and im happy as a hampster.
Comment me if you read this, just for old timesake.
I miss you all so much and there isnt a day that goes by that i dont think and want back the friendships we had.
(that was cheezy....but true...)