Apr 25, 2006 22:07
Sad news everyone! Puppy went away! he ran away from me, the person he ran away to! wow, how bad of a pet owner must i be? oh well, it was a rock anyways.
only 31 more days of actual school left! snaps for that!
please pray for a really close family friend of mine. he has melenoma (spelling?) and hes not doing well at all. hes at UofM hospital right now and is gonna be there till saturday. hes getting really heavy doses of radiation ever 3 hours. and hes not doing well. so please, pray for him. if praying is your thing. if not, please do it anyways. thanks.
but on a happier note, my mom said the creepeiest thing today. we were talking about veggitarians and my mom thought we said vantrilaquist (ya know, freaky ppl with little puppet things that dont move their mouth..yah) and she said "ive seen vantrilaquists eat meat before." and she was dead serious. milk came outa my nose. if you dont find that funny, then just forget i ever said anything. to me it was HILARIOUS! so yeah..
went to the movies today with my dad and jenna. went to see Sentinal. it was DUMB! dont see it. unless you like dumb movies. then its the movie for you. but yeah...
tomorrows wednesday. yay. that means the weeks almost over.
im done here.