
Dec 22, 2003 17:38

Mann i HaVeNt WriTtEn iN thiS ThiNg iN FoReVeR..sO i GuEsS iTs TiMe To CaTcH uP..WeLL ChriStMaS iS WhaT, oNLy LiKe tHreE dayS AwAy..sO i HaVe BeeN buSy WiTh TrYiNg To GeT aLL mY ShOpPiNg dOnE, AnD WoW Do i HaVe ALoT LeFt To Do..AnDd My BiRfDaY iS CoMiNg uP iTs NeXt MoNdaY!! YaY! iM EXCiTeD..HMmM..DaNiELLe MoLiNe i CaNnOt WAiT FoR yER NEW yEaRs PaRtTy..ItS GoNnA bE TeN TiMEs BeTtER ThAn LaSt YeArs..ALtHouGh LaSt YeARs WaS HiLaRiOuS ANd UNfOrGeTtABLe..hAhA..HMmM..WeLL i HaVe SoMe SuRvEys i WaNt To PuT iN..So HeRe:

What makes you laugh?:SoMeOnE fuNnY Who is your hero?:SuPerMaN! Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?:SoMeOne wHo iS GoOd At MaKiNg CoNveRsAtiOn How many pairs of shoes do you own?:uMm iDk, EnOuGh Seriously... Where does the other sock end up?:uM..WhErE iT WaS iN ThE BeGiNniNg (oN MY FoOt) Who do you blame for your mood today?:iDk..If the Internet were sex... I would:Be a CyBeR SLuT Have you ever seen a dead body?:No..AnD i DoNt PLaN oN iT ThaNks What is something scientists need to invent?: What should we do with stupid people?:LeaVe ThEm ALoNe Have you ever broken a bone?:YePp Do you watch local news? Why?:No..iDk Why What happens after you die?:WeLL iDk AbOuT yOu..bUt iM gOiNg To HeaVeN How big is your bed? Big enough?:My BeD iS DeFiNaTLy biG EnOuGh How long do you think you will live?:LoNg EnOuGh


YouWhat is your full name::KeLseY EfFiN TheAkStOn Spell your first name backwards::YeSLeK Date of birth::DeCeMbuRr 29th, 1988 Male or female::100% FeMaLe Astrological sign::CaPriCoRn Nicknames::KeLs, K, Kay Kay,and BuBs (BuBsY WuBsY--ThankS To LesTeR<3) Occupation::StuDeNt Height::5'7 Weight::UMm..125 LbS Hair color::BrOwniSh BlOnDe Eye color::HaZeL (BuT They ChaNgE) Where were you born::LaKeSiDe, CaLiFoRNiA Where do you reside now::FaLLbRoOk! Age::15 in a WeeK Screen names::Ambiguous1026 E-mail addy::Ambiguous1026@msn.com What does your screen name stand for::iTs A BrAnD What is your greatestjournal name::HuH? What does your greatestjournal name stand for::HuH? Pets::2 DoGs 2 CaTs anD 1 FiShiE Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake::aLot Piercings::tWo (eAr 1, EaR 2) Tattoo's::NoT YeT Shoe size::FiVe AnD A HaLf Righty or lefty::RiGhTYy Wearing::CLoThEs Hearing::MuSiC Feeling::HuNgrY Eating/drinking::NoThiNg..YEt Guys/Girls/Love/Kissing/And Other StuffHave you ever been in love::NoPe..NoT ReAL LoVE How many people have you said: How many people have you been in REAL love with::ZerO How many people have you kissed::KiSs aNd tELL?! No tHaNks Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex::On ThE ChEeK How many people have you dated::Not ALot What do you look for in a guy/girl::GreAt EyEs, KiLLeR SmiLe, SeNsE Of HuMor, aNd A OnE oF A KiNd PerSoNaLity What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex::DeFiNaTLy The EyEs What type of guy/girl do you usually go for::tHe ONe ThaT CaTchEs My EyE Do you have a crush right now::SoRta If so who is it:: Do you believe in love at first sight::iDk Do you remember your first love::YeAHh.. Who is the first person you kissed:: Do you believe in fate::YeAh SuRe Do you believe in soul mates::uMm Why Not If so do you believe you'll ever find yours::HoPe So.. Family StuffHow many siblings do you have::2 What are your siblings names::SaRAh, AntHoNy What are your parents names::JoHn, TyRina How many siblings does your mother have::ZeRo How many siblings does your father have::FouR Where are your parents from::IOwa, aNd PeNnSYLvAniA Is your family close::YeAhH Does your family get together for holidays::tHeY SuRe Do Do you have a drunk uncle::HaHaHa No Any medical problems run through your family::NaHh Does someone in your family wear a toupee::NoT ThAt I KnOw Of Do you have any nieces or nephews::NoPe Are your parents divorced::YeAh Do you have step parents::YeS SiRrEe Has your family ever disowned another member of your family::HaHaH NoOoOo Did some of your family come to America from another country::Ya, EnGLanD Music StuffWhat song do you swear was written about you or your life::nOoO CLuEe What's the most embarrassing cd you own::OwNed, and it Was N'SyNc What's the best cd you own::ThE uSeD, UnWriTtEn LaW, TuPaC, AnD ThUrSdaY What song do you absolutely hate::ThE OvER PLaYeD ONes Do you sing in the shower::SoMetiMes What song reminds you of that special someone::WhAt SpEciAL SoMeOnE FavoritesColor::BLaCk, ReD Food::AnYtHiNg As LoNg As iTs EdiBLE! Song::TaSte Of iNk Show::WiLdBoYZz School subject::MaTh..Or ARt Band/singer/artist::UnWriTtEN LaW Animal::uMm Any? Outfit::DoEsnT MatTeR Radio station::96.1 Movie::tHe ITaLiAn JoB Pair of shoes::My DvS' Cartoon::DoNt KnOw Actor::MarK WhALbErG Actress::KaTe HuDsOn Potato chip::uMm Any Drink::MoMs SmOoThiEs Soda::CoKe Holiday::ThAnKsgIViN (FoOOd!!) Perfume/cologne::RaLpH LaUrEn Pizza topping::EvEryThiNg Jello flavor::ALL oF THEm! Lunch meat::MeaTs MeaT Card Game::BuLL ShAt Video game::Ha No CLuE Website::uHh..? Book::DoNt KnOw Computer game::i DoNt PLay AnY Number::tWo!!!! Cereal::LuCky ChArMS! Comedian::ThE GuYs Of Of WhOse LiNe iS iT AnyWay Dessert::MmM AnY Disney character:: Clothing store::TiLLyS, Or DeCaDe Past time::SnoWbOaRdiNG Or RidiNg Teacher::GoSs Childhood toy::PreTtY PrEtTy PriNceSs The BoArd gAme! Carnival game/ride::roLLeRCoAStErS..?! Candy bar::SNiCkErs Magazine::CosMePoLiTan (FaiTth!!) Salad dressing::ItALiAn!! Thing to do on the weekend::SLeeP, eAt, HaNg wiTh FaiTh, oR sNowBoaRd Or ridE Hot drink::IDK! Season::WiNteR Sport to watch::BaSkeTbaLL Person to talk to online::FaiTh, LeSteR, KaTe,Kari, RJ or KaTie H. Your Bedroom/Sleeping HabitsWhat color are your sheets::WhiTe What color are your bedroom walls::DaRk BLuE AnD LiGhttTt GrAy Do you have posters on your wall::YeAh..wELL CoLLaGeS If so of what::SnOWboArdiNg Do you have a tv in your bedroom::YeAH How many pillows are on your bed::SiX..HaHa What do you normally sleep in::BrA and PaNts..Is ThiS ReALLY NesCeSsary!? Describe your favorite pair of pajamas::I DoNt HaVE FavOriTes What size bed do you have::QuEen Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed::NoNe Of ThOse Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom::YEPp Describe the last nightmare you had::FrOm ThE MoViE DrEaM CaTcHer WhErE thAt ThiNg iS LiKe EaTiNg MEe!! AHHH! Do you sleep with stuffed animals::No.. How many people can comfortably sleep comfortably in your bed::ThReE HaHa FaiTh AnD ANdrEa..(MayBe FouR..HaVEnT trieD THaT Yet) Any unusual sleeping positions::MmM NoPe..iTs ALwAYS WhAtEvERs MoSt ComfOrtABLe Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling::HeCK NoO Do you snore::NoPe How about drool::EwW No Do you have an alarm clock in your room::YeAh What color is the carpet in your room::WhiTe.. What's under your bed::MoNsTeRs AsK RoBerT ScHOeN! This or thatloser/wannabe::LoSer Doughnuts/bagels::DouGhNutS Day/night::NiGht Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west::EaSt Heaven/hell::HeAVeN Make love/have sex::MaKe SeX Coffee/tea::TeA Hamburgers/hotdogs::HoTdOgS Rap/rock::BoTH Britney/Christina::NeiTher Swiss cheese/american cheese::AmERiCan Real World/Road Rules::ReAL WoRLd Backstreet Boys/*Nsync::BoTh Are GaY Silver/gold::SiLveR Nike/Adidas::NiKe McDonalds/Taco Bell::TaCo BeLL Sweet/sour::SouR Punk/emo::PuNk Hot/cold::CoLd Winter/summer::WiNttER Spring/fall::SpriNg Operas/plays::PlAys Read/watch tv::WaTcH TV Cd's/tapes::CD's Dvd's/vhs::DvD's Old/new::NeW Shorts/skirts::SHoRtS Pink/red::ReD Colored pictures/black and white photos::BLaCk n WhiTe Meat/vegetables::MeaT Mexican food/chinese food::MeXicAn FoOd Commercials/infomercials::CoMMeRciALs Scary movies/comedies::ScArrY! Bikinis/one piece bathing suits::BiKiNiS Sandals/tennis shoes::TeNniS ShOeS Dogs/cats::DoGs Unicorns/fairies::FaiRiEs Water/land::WaTEr Sugar/spice::SuGaR Black/white::BLaCk ribbons/bows::RibBoNs Chicken/beef::BeEf Colored christmas lights/regular white christmas lights::ReGuLar WHiTe ChrIsTMas LiGhTs Cars/trucks::PShH TrUcKs Austin Powers/James Bond::BoND....JaMes BoND Popcorn/pretzels::POPCoRN Hip/hop::BoTh? Passionate kiss/peck::PaSsIONaTe ALL thE wAy WWE wrestling/ real wrestling::ReaL WrEStLiNg Back rub/foot massage::BaCK rUb Picture frames/photo albums::PhOtO ALBuMs Pens/pencils::PeNciLs What Is Your Opinion Of The FollowingEminem::Hot Virgins::GOOd God::GREAT The Osbournes::HiLariOus Reality TV::SurE wHy Not? J.Lo::PrEttY Religion::AwEsOme Emo music::ok Valentine's Day::SwEet Christina Aguilera's comeback::WhaT coMeBaCK Homosexuals::uHh Abortion::No Go Inter-racial relationships::iF yoU LoVe tHe PerSoN Murder::NoO Death::SaD BuT truE Obesity::ShouLdnt MaTtER Pre-marital sex::NoWay jOSe Terrorism::BaD Pornography::No No Fortune Tellers::WiErD Threesomes::HAHAHHAHAHAHA Prostitution::SLuTty Politics::BorIng Country music::AwEsOme George W. Bush::StUpiD Cloning::uHh? Britney's boobs::EWW! Gas prices in America::As My Mom WouLd Say "ItS FrEGgiN ReDiCuLoUs" Have You Ever....Mooned anyone::YeAh Been on a diet::No Been to a foreign country::NoPe Broken a bone::YeAH Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling::YeP Swear at a teacher::CaNt SaY I HaVe Talked to an gj member via emails or instant messages::HuH? Got in a fight::YeAH Dated a teacher::Ew No Laughed so hard you peed your pants::NoPe Thought about killing your enemy::MmmM NoT reALLy Gone skinny dipping::YeS Met another gj member in the flesh:: Told a little white lie::HeHe Yea Told a secret you swore not to tell::YeaH..ONe TiMe MiSTaKe Stolen anything::YeAh Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid::HaHA aLL tHe TiMe Been on TV::YeAH Been on the radio::NoPe Been in a mosh pit::NoPe Been to a concert::YeAh Dated one of your best friends::YeAH Loved someone so much it makes you cry::MmM No Deceived somebody close to you::DeFiNe DeCieVed.. Broken the law::ProBaBLy.. Been to a rodeo::HAHa yEa..Its CoMeDy Been on a talk show::NoPe Been on a game show::NOpE Been on an airplane::YeAh..ThEy ScAre Me Got to ride on a firetruck::NoPe Came close to dying::IdK Cheated on a bf/gf::No..NeVer Gave someone a piggy back ride::YeAh Terrorized a babysitter::HaHa EveRy TiME Made a mud pie::NoPe Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff::Yes.. Snuck out of the house at night::YeaH WiTh AnDrEa To TP LeE Been so drunk you don't remember your name::No..Not Quite ThaT DruNk Had an eating disorder::NoOo Felt like you didn't belong::eHh SorTa Felt like the 3rd wheel::YeaH Been arrested::NoPe Had your tonsils removed::NoPe Gone to camp::YeS Won a bet::YeP Written a love letter::HaHa MaNy TiMes Gone out of your way to be with the one you love::iDk Written a love poem::YeS Kissed in the rain::No.. Slow danced with someone you love::Ehh Participated in an orgy::No! Faked an orgasm::haHa NoPe Stolen a kiss::Yes! Asked a friend for relationship advice::KiNda Had a friend steal your bf/gf::No Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love::NoPe Gotten a speeding ticket::NoPe Done jail time::HaHah No Had to wear a uniform to work::NuH uh Won a trophy::Yes Thrown up in public::NoPe Bowled a perfect game::NaH Failed/got held back:: Got perfect attendance in grade school::YeS Roasted pumpkin seeds::YeP Taken ballet/karate lessons::YeaH, KiCK Box Attempted suicide::No Cut yourself::No Childhood StuffDid you play with Barbies/G.I. Joes::YeS SirRee Did you own Treasure Trolls::aWw Yaa! Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210::No Did you play Simon Says::YeaH, Still Do in SPaNiSh Did you watch Fraggle Rock::YeP Did you wet the bed::iM SuRe i Did Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed::YeAH StiLL dO Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them::HaAHAH Ya! Were you shy::NeVer Were you spoiled::Yea Were you abused::No Did you go to the circus::YeAH Did you go to the zoo::YeAH Were you in a car accident::NoPe Did you build snowmen::NoPe Did you cry when you scraped your knee::YeS Were your older cousins mean to you::No Did you think slinkies were cool::SuRe Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer::YES! Were you afraid of the dark::No Did you have slumber parties::YeP Did you have New Kids on the Block sheets, pillows, pajamas, sleeping bag?:NoPe Did you tease your hair out like Tiffany::NoPe Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy::YeS! RandomnessDo you believe in aliens::No Name three things that are next to your computer::PrintEr,KeYBoarD, AnD A MouSe Do you have any hidden talents::YeaH BuT ThEy'RE HiDdEN Do you wish MTV would play music videos::NoPe If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be::a ScArY ONe What would your movie star name be::IDk Do you play any sports::YeAH; i RuN CrOsS COuNtry What's the scariest movie you've ever seen::uMm..ThiRtEeN GhOsTs ScaRed Me What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently::PiRaTeS OF THe CaRriBeAN What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen::HOLLyWooD HoMoCiDe Do you drive::Not YEt What is your dream car::My sisteRs TaCoMa! Do you think your good looking::NoPe Do others think you are good looking::NoPe Would you ever sky dive::YES! Do you believe in Bigfoot::No How many rooms do you have in your house::fIve i ThiNk Are you afraid of roller coasters::No! Do you believe in God::Yes! Do you believe in Satan::UMm NoNo Do you believe there is a heaven::Yes Do you believe there is a hell:: Do you own a pooltable::No Do you have a pool::YeS Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen::YeS Do you like chocolate::YeS Who/what is on your 2003 calendar::WhAt CaLeNDar? How many U.S. states have you been to::SeVeN Ever wished on a shooting star::YEAh Best Halloween costume you ever wore::uMm.. Do you carry any weapons on you::HaHa Ya my ShANk! jk What is your weakness::DoNt Know Name something you can't get enough of::FoOd Describe yourself in 3 adjectives:: How many kids do you want to have::TwO Future daughters names::KaiDeNce Future sons names::TreNt What is your ideal way to die::PeAceFuLLy How do you release stress::BeAt UP My BrOtHer Do you consider yourself a trendy person::UhH SuRE? Are you an artisitic person::OoOo Ya Are you a realistic person?::SuRe AM Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off::No..tOo LaZy Are you a strong person::YeAH Are you a strong willed person::Sure? Who is the last person to e-mail you::My Dad Who is the last person to IM you::LeStEr Do you hate chain e-mails::diSLiKe Are you a deep sleeper::YeAh Are you a good story teller::DeFINaTLy What do you believe is your best quality::HuMoR..SoMe Of The tiME What is your greatest accomplishment::9 YeaRs Of ScHoOl Do you like to burn candles or incense::YeAH Do you have your own credit card::No Let's say you win the lotto. What do you do with all that money?::SpENd iT Do you have a check book::Ha nO Do you like your drivers licence::Not YeT Do you tan easily::No What color is your hair naturally::BrOwN iSh BloNde How many fillings do you have::NoNe.. How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit::NoNe Worst feeling in the world?:HuNgRy Or TiRed Best feeling in the world::FuLL aNd AwAKe Is the glass half empty or half full::HaLf FuLL Last thing you downloaded::A SoNG Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life?::No! What do you think people think of you::IdK aNd i DoNT CaRe Are you a likeable person::SuRe Do you need therapy::NoPe Do you take medication for a chemical imbalance::HaHa No Do you love your bf/gf::CoNsiDeRiNg I HaVe OnE If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge would they call it FED UP::IdK When are you moving::UHH?! What's your favorite phrase::MmMkaY!

MmM YaY! I LoVE SuRvEYs..WeLL i'D WriTe MoRe BuT My FiNgERs HuRt..So i'LL wrIte MoRe LaTeR..FeR ShEr..LeAve ONe iF yOu LoVE Me.

<3 KeL§eY <3
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