Don't worry, I'm not going to spoil the movie for you.
My response to the Star Trek 'Reboot'
No, don't adjust your screen, you are viewing Star Trek as it wants to be viewed.
I really, really wanted to hit the person that thought all the camera shaking/hand held feeling in the film was a COOL HIP NEAT IDEA!1!!!11!!
Literally, if there was an action sequence, it felt like 80-90% the time, you were experiencing double vision. It ranks up there with my hatred of lens flare, and slowed down action sequences where we do a 360 around a character for no good reason other than to show off an effect.
The jarring swinging camera around action really pulled me out of the movie.
Star Trek was predictable. EVERYONE knows this. We know what's going to happen, it's simply how do we get from point A to B and is it a fun ride or not? Yes, Star Trek is a damn fun ride.
The characters all fit damn well, and my hats are off to Bones and McCoy and Scotty (obviously my subconscious is loving me some Karl Urban...hurr), my favorites in the movie. Quinto, playing Spock, was a perfect casting, though I have to wonder if he's being typecast, as both of his roles I've seen him in have major mommy issues. Yes, lame attempt at a joke.
Was it worth the $11.50 per ticket? I think it was a $9-10 dollar experience. There were no lines to get in to see it, and it went by faster than I thought it would, which was great, I'm glad it didn't drag its feet. The dialogue was witty, and characterizations charming and spot on.
The effects, well, ILM outdid themselves. Really gorgeous job, and will definitely be an Oscar contender for best effects.
It was, by all means, an effective fun reboot of the series.
Overall grade: B+