A Tale of Two Proposals

Feb 15, 2009 11:47

January 16th... or so Brian came home with a package that I had been waiting for. Waiting isn't exactly the phrase I'd use, anticipating like a child waiting for their birthday type waiting. The gimme, gimme, gimme the box type waiting. I'm normally patient, except when it comes to things like: getting books. Especially books collecting Disney Archive's finest examples of storyboards from before Snow White til current day. I would have raced to it, if it wasn't for the fact that the studio work I've been doing has had me absolutely exhausted, so he came home, set the box down, and drew my thoughts towards the other thing holding my attention: food.

We were both starving. Dinner sounds fantastic, and my attention is on where and what to eat. Those that know me, know what type of ferret-minded mentality I have, especially when I'm tired. I tend to hyper focus on one thing for a few seconds until something else catches my eye. Brian prattles on about Black Angus, Outback, Granville Cafe (we like to call it Grandville)...

Mm, Outback sounds good, I think to myself while blurting out, "SWEET POTATO”

"Outback it is, let's go get ready." He nods, taking off his sweater from work, he then proceeds to grab the box. Big mistake. So he pranced (well not quite, more like walking with purpose) towards the other side of the living room to put the box in another place. I focused directly on the box again, food out of mind.

"Oh wait, I want to see my book!" I make a beeline for the box. Instant slo-motion inserted here as Brian races to my side to stop me, but not in time. I pop the box open and stare down at the book, but more prominently, a white box on top of the book.

"Hey, why's there a white box--" I ask stupidly. I didn't order anything else but a book. Probably
one of those Mary Kay boxes that one of the girls gave him for me. He grabs the box from me and opens it. ANOTHER BOX, except this one is a faux, alligator leather trimmed with gold.

"Will you go to New Zealand with me?" Brian blurts out as he opens the box with shaking fingers, exposing the silver claddagh within.

"What?" I blink. "Are you--wait what? Yes."

Brian, looks petrified. "Yes, maybe?" He then begins to prattle on at such a fast rate I don't
remember everything he said, but it was akin to this:


I take the ring out. It has two celtic knots surrounding the silver crowned heart. He's been wearing his Since we moved in together. Perhaps shorter or longer, time isn't something I'm too great at remembering. I slip the ring on, it's a perfect fit. Seriously. Brian now feels sheepish, and skeedaddles to the bedroom, mortified. I'm in tow, laughing.

"So wait...why are you so upset?" I ask.

"Because I botched it!"

"Wait..." Oh have I been daft. "THAT was the proposal? I thought..."

"Yes! No. Maybe?"

"Well, was it?"

Brian sits down on the bed, "Just... give me the ring."

"No! Why? I love it. It's gorgeous..." Suddenly possessive Karen is possessive.

"I botched it. Yes that was the proposal but it wasn't... so we'll go shopping for the real one but that's a gift until the real one gets here... I wanted to give it to you at Phantom of the Opera or at Christmas, but your parents were too argumentative..."

I give him a kiss. He looks so terrified at this point. "I love the ring. I love you." This would be a highly romantic, emotional moment if it wasn't for the next statement, "You do know... this is on par with our relationship right?'

Groaning and facepalming ensues. After that, we picked ourselves up for dinner, went out to Outback, had a fantastic time. It was a great night.

And that was the proposal that wasn't.

Fast forward to Valentines. It's an awesome day. The two of us spent it in the Huntington Gardens and Libraries, full of bees and flowers. And absolutely stellar views of the snow capped mountains. It was calm and rather cold, but the sun was warm.

We then went to Montrose, a part of Northern Glendale, to find food. Walking up and down Honolulu Ave, we found a place with folks waiting outside for food: The Star Cafe. The menu looked delicious, and several patrons swore by the place. We were sold.

After a very fantastic meal, we headed home to game. Couples that game together, stay together. We wrapped up the night with The Princess Bride, and after coming out of the bathroom, I noticed a bag sitting on my nighstand. Tall, skinny, with a card off to the side. I'll spare you the romantic details of the card, which involved me making fun of Brian's lack of spelling, and opened the present.

It was a shark. A stuffed shark. A shark, that when you pressed the fin, played Violent Femmes: One Way or Another... I'm gonna find ya, I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha...

Much laughter ensued, and suddenly Brian was on one knee, with the same box from a month ago.

This time, he got the words out: Will you marry me?

I paused, and set the shark off. Inbetween the shark flailing and thrashing and lipsyncing to the song, I said yes. Totally a no brainer there.

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