Title: The Fallacies of Romance Novels
Fic Challenge: 034. Acceptance, Hankyung/Kibum (
Author: kayjayloves
Chapter: 1/1
Pairing: Hanbum
Band: Super Junior
Genre: fluff
Rating: PG13
Warning: tiny cussing, slight mention of sex
Disclaimer: *sigh* No, no owning ):
Synopsis: It’s the fact that he’s there, and you’ll wake up in the morning in a tangle of limbs and morning breath and hectic schedules, and it will all be a little bit brighter -
Comments: This is from Kibum's POV XD And this is for
yomi_chan305for being so cool XP I promise I'll write a Heechul fic for you sometime.
It’s nothing like the sweet taste of fresh strawberries on your tongue, or the smell of fresh rain-soaked concrete; love is simple (romantic fiction be damned), a plain need to be around and with the person who brightens your day just a little bit more. You feel content around him - and even in the middle of a fight you can turn around and spit out “I love you” with no doubt in the world, because the feeling goes deeper than irritation and exhaustion and everything daily life twists out of you.
Love is when he’s sleeping in your bed - didn’t stay up for you (no point, I don’t know when you’ll be home, he admitted once) - when you get back to the dorm at four A.M. It’s the fact that he’s there, and you’ll wake up in the morning in a tangle of limbs and morning breath and hectic schedules, and it will all be a little bit brighter knowing you’ll fall asleep to his quiet breathing again.
It’s different than the movies your sister forced you to watch when you were younger; the movies had scripts and dialogues ready for them, and you quickly realize that real life is different from the romanticized love of a movie set. No fireworks go off around you when you first kiss him - and you’re inexperienced and awkward and later after your first fight it takes Heechul’s constant assurance of your idiocy before you make up.
It feels messy and clumsy and satisfying all at once - you forget your idea of what a functional relationship should be and start living with the real one you’ve got. He’s soft-spoken and true and sweet (and the sex is great), and you don’t know what you wanted but you think maybe it would be something like this.
And when you collapse into your bed early the next night, he’s still awake and kisses you and - even if it doesn’t taste like heaven and you don’t have an urge to lament about the state of your burning desire - it sure as hell is good.
So you think (because you’re always thinking, always analyzing) that it’s nothing like the sweet taste of fresh strawberries on your tongue, or the smell of fresh rain-soaked concrete; love is simple, a plain need to be around and with the person who brightens your day just a little bit more. And the little something that makes it special, well, his breath against your neck stalls your reason - and maybe, maybe you didn’t need one in the first place.
Author's Notes: So for some reason I really love writing Kibum. I get this feel of a little logic basing, a little calm but still oh-so-human from him, and it feels nice to write. XD I can picture him in a relationship like this, and even though I haven't written Hanbum before, this seemed to work. Inspired by Gackt's Sakurasou song/lyrics.
Comments are such love. <3