Not sure who to vote for in LJ's Advisory Board Election?
There's a community now to discuss the pros and cons of the 10 candidates who are members of LJ fandom, in order to create a voting block that could get one of them on the Advisory Board. It's fandom_votes, and the info post is
They have another post with all the fannish candidates' platforms in a single place for comparison, and for discussion in comments. See it
The goal of the comm is to have a civil discussion of the 10 candidates, use a
poll to determine the considered favorite, and try to get enough votes behind that person to get them on the Advisory Board. Joining or watching the comm does not, of course, commit you to voting for any candidate, but it sounds like a good plan to me and a good way to be better informed, whoever you decide to vote for!
Check it out. :-)
And be sure to