Emily Dickinson was autistic!!!!!

Mar 01, 2007 17:41

On my way home from work today I came to a realization out of the blue that Emily Dickinson probably was high functioning autistic. To explain: autistic people focus on patterns and repetition - she wrote hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of poems using the exact same rhythm and meter, point 2 is that she was a hermit, and autistic people have trouble with socializing skills. I'm not saying she's super autistic and couldn't function normally, nor am I trying to make light of autism in general. I just really think she might have been autistic and am curious to see if anyone agrees with me. anyone?

It's weird how when I was in school - and I still see it reflected by people I know that are still in school - it's weird that things actually do happen from day to day, no day is ever really the same. It's so not like that in the real world. Every day is almost identical to the day before it. I can see why people get so disolussioned when they get out of college. It feels boring if you're not ready for it.

"I don't mind if you don't mind. 'Cause I won't shine if you won't shine."
- It's kind of an ultimatum isn't it?
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