Horse Feathers Chapter 31 is up.

Dec 06, 2013 20:31

My brain did not want to write this chapter. It's normal for me to have to tweak a bit, but not rewrite entire conversations so many times. After many, many hours staring at my laptop and playing solitaire while I tried to figure out the next sentence, Chapter 31 is finished and posted.

I suspect this chapter may still go through more editing than some of the others after the story is finished.

My artistic efforts aren't faring much better. Cafepress added (or is adding) table runners to their list of items. So I took a stab at designing one and ended up with these kind of generic creepy trees...

Only thing I've put them on is a cuff bracelet. There's some issue with the thumbnail for table runners, so I haven't tried to add that item to the shop yet.

I did get a little work done modifying some existing designs like Ashley's Manic Teddy and Baby Sea Turtle, so it would fit more items. Added Ties for both of those. Considering some of the new merchandise options, I think I ought to try designing a proper pattern...hrm.

P.S. If you're reading Horse Feathers please leave some feedback...doesn't have to be profound, just let me know you're reading. Mention something you like or don't like.

writing, horse feathers, design work, cafepress

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