Seriously? Five Peeps are one serving?

Mar 18, 2011 19:29

I am amazed!

I am also amazed by how fast this week has gone.

Even if I did mention it, I'm going to mention it again. Because new job! Not old job!

I'm now an Admin Assistant at an architectural and engineering firm. I woman the reception desk and answer calls - one day, I think the phone rang eight whole times. I organize the meetings in the conference rooms. There's some cleaning/coffee making/food ordering, but not enough to fill the day. I'm also learning how to process purchase orders and help file and track the roughly one hundred million pieces of paperwork involved in building projects.

I started Monday. No one made me cry and I haven't set anything on fire. I've made a few mistakes, but nothing irreversible. I've learned everyone's name, even! This place is three times bigger than the previous place I worked. It's in the middle of downtown Phoenix. My commute is shorter, both time in and distance. I'm close to a great outdoor urban market, theaters and museums.

The woman who I'm backing up and who is training me went on vacation Thursday and Friday. The fact that I made it through two days in my first week without having her to fall back on makes me feel much more confident.

The confidence helps me know I made the right decision. So does the fact that I didn't once want to put my fist through a monitor. I'm a little ansty because I was doing a lot of my own training - reading up on and experimenting with software, creating my own notes on processes...and because I'm not totally overworked. I don't know how to deal with having time to work on a project, rather than slamming everything out as fast as I can and knowing that it won't be fast enough, I'll still be falling further and further behind.

So yay new job!

In other news...does anyone want a cat? Hell, does anyone want two? The new thing they are doing is fighting to the point of drawing blood. Wee drops of blood on noses that I don't think they meant to cause, but still. Blood!

Siri and Foolish spend most evenings looking out my front windows,praying for an entire flock of wingless, teeny birds to magically appear on the deck. It never happens, but they have hopes. A strange cat has started to show up on the porch in the evenings. I haven't been able to get close enough to it to see a collar. In this neighborhood, that doesn't mean much. It could be a stray, or it could be someone's outside kitty.

The cat wanders up the stairs to my deck. Foolish notices Stranger Cat, and starts to make that deep "I will fuck you up so hard if you come any nearer" cat howl they save for other felines. I've never noticed if Stranger Cat reacts, because Siri reacts. Instantly. Harshly. She rushes Foolish, making the same cathowl, and then they are fighting and screaming and hissing. The furious ball of fur and claws bounces off the couch and onto the floor, where they break apart. There are more cat howls (at each other, now. They've forgotten about Stranger Cat. They don't even care about him anymore) and then they leap back at each other, screaming.

They never pulled this stuff, even when I first got Foolish and Siri spent two weeks stalking around with her ears flat back and stopped talking to me. A year and a half later, they have started trying to kill each other. The fight doesn't stop until one of them makes it under the bed and hides until they forget they were fighting, or until I pull out their brush. (They love being brushed. They will literally stop fighting the moment they see it so they can ask to be brushed.)

I have no idea why this started. I'm not sure how to fix it. I've tried spraying my porch and front door with vinegar - I figure that might deter Stranger Cat, and it blocks smells coming in the front door. I'm starting to lower the blinds at night so the cats can't use the front windows. I've opened blinds in other rooms to compensate,but they are sulking about it. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

Finally, this weekend I am going to try to cook St. Patrick's day dinner for the first time. I know, I'm late, but who has time to boil food for that long on a workday? Wish me luck and no fires!
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