Driftwood: Year 1, Week 1 - Voelker

Jun 09, 2015 00:37

Our final family for the week is the Voelkers!

Here is their home! I actually made this one this time! Also, stats!



And Dean!

Here's the inside of the house by the way.

Cameron and Dean immediately start with the sibling rivalry...

With Kirstie becomes best friends with everyone over the phone!

Thanks for supporting the tax bill this week! They needed it.

Kirstie starts right away with her natural gold gardening badge by planting eggplants.

Then she pays the taxes. They were so poor they could barely afford the regular bills throughout the week.

I completely forgot to include this important bit in Murphy's round (Ifixed it though!), but by Murphy adopting his dog Rumor he unlocked the Animal Control career for everyone. So Dean was the first to get into the business.

The all have the one true hobby of sports, so I bought them a rolly log! I never buy them and now I know why. They never use it autonomously and i drains hygiene and energy like you wouldn't believe.

This is much more practical...

And with that the first night is over!

But not for Kirstie! She starts getting her plants happy!
"And I said, 'No way Jose! Ha!'"

Dean served and reserved the same bowl of cereal for an hour before work.

This is the beginning of a downwards spiral with Kirstie. Her sunlight need was so low because of the night so I tried to get her to sunbathe. Instead she kept canceling it and going INSIDE to use the bike. All the while her plants became all gross.

Off to his first day!

I made her use the log roller to get the sunlight need up then the nature lady came and canceled that.

We don't Cameron around that often. She is just normally making phonecalls to friends or working out on her machine. She got fit all by herself!

Finally I got Kirstie's needs high enough that she could tend the garden! It took all day though and it was about to get dark :P

Kirstie and Cameron are becoming good friends!

This doesn't help your sunlight and water motives!

The next day Dean if off to work again and I gave Kirstie about 12 "look at clouds" actions so she'd stay outside long. Didn't work though :/

I got the pop up that Cameron learned a new meal so I went to go see and saw this weird food. I'm sure I downloaded it but after looking at what she can cook I still couldn't figure out what it was!

Once again it took until about 4PM when her needs were good enough to work.

I bought Dean a chess set for his logic. He doesn't know what to think.

Kirstie came in after finishing up and played a game with him. And now you see the graphics I deal with on a minute to minute basis :o

This was really the beginning of the end for those little plants.

Dean got a promotion! And Murphy came over yay!

And Laura!

At this point the plants were so badly ignored Cameron had to come and help out with the garden, because even with "tend many", Kirstie wouldn't do more than one at a time.

Murphy saw the work some of his group started and had to get a drink after. It's not going to well.

This nice kitty came by...

And puked on the carpet. And Kirstie passed out.

Then he destroyed the trash can. Good pickins there Kirstie on the animals!

"You don't need those glasses! Nobody's going to give you an eye exam here to ensure you can work!"

Just a picture of them all sleeping. And Kirstie being eaten by the graphics!

"Uhhhh so thirsty!"

Another promotion!

This is the other half of what I've been dealing with all week! Whenever I got her needs to all green, the meter stayed at the bottom no matter what. So even if she was fine, she still refused to do any work because of the darn meter >.<

"Haha! I hope you're allergic to pollen!"
"Ugh! *cough gag*

Not sure if this was Kirstie of the old lady's doing, but either way, it's Kirstie's fault. I'm really getting frustrated! I haven't wanted to accidentally lock a sim in an empty room more than now!

I saw Dean standing idle outside so I went to check him out. Oooh who did he call?

Oh my! Murphy won't like this!

"I think I'm in love! Again!"
It didn't go any further than that kiss. He got distracted with the bike and ended it there.

Saturday night Kirstie finally couldn't take the motive decay anymore...

And slept...

All through sunday as well. look at all that red!

She's the worst plantsim I've ever had. Dean had to go harvest and sell the 'just ok' eggplants himself.

Monday morning came around and Kirstie was still asleep. Dean was unimpressed and just walked over her to get to the carpool.

That's it for this round! I spent so much time trying to help Kirstie the whole week was spent just on trying to fill her needs by hand. I may download or make a outdoor lot she can live at alone, because she got too distracted by the indoor items.

End of rotation stats:
Tax Total (includes person funds of Murphy Mills): $28,430
Fires: 2
Burglaries: 0
Births: 0
Jobs unlocked: Animal Control, Coal Miner, 1 position in Law.
Community lot businesses: 0
Sims: 8
Multiplier: 1
Total Population: 8
Electricity and plumbing unlocked!

See you for week 2!

voelker, bacc week 1, driftwood bacc, bacc year 1

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