Or even step foot into that sleezy store...
http://copyranter.blogspot.com/2008/07/american-apparel-model-licking-dovs.html My great distraction today was tracking down all the sleezy misogynistic AA adverts world-wide. I don't care about vertical production in LA, lalala. Well, I mean, I do, but there are other companies emulating the AA premise of only American-made while at the same time, not emulating the practices of maquilladores and sweat-shops the way AA does with their workers AND who pay their models with money, not sex toys. They also don't contribute to the denigration of women by having them as sexual objects in their advirtising. It is one thing to say "equate beautiful woman with this car, so when you drive this car it will be like having sex with a beautiful woman" (awful, but in comparison...) and another to connote that wearing this underwear will get you a blow-job from someone who looks about 14. I like my imagry of sexual consumption of women to be a little less explicit, thanks.
For real people, don't buy American Apparel! Dov Charney is an asshole!