Apr 15, 2008 15:09
So just to give you an idea of how temporary living at my parents was supposed to be... I never unpacked the majority of my boxes from moving. Most of my boxes are books, as anyone who helped me move can begrudgingly attest. Those boxes of my beloved books are currently haphazardly arranged in my parents' garage, where my loving parents ever so kindly rearrange them on a haphazard basis. At any given time, I know not where a particular box is. At this point, I don't really remember what is in the boxes, because most of them are simply labeled "books". The real issue is that I'm a spatial thinker, so I associate contents of a box with a box location in the garage. Ergo I lose memory of what is in a particular box if the box itself has been moved.
Long story short is that I was looking for my feminist hagadah for Passover, as well as copies of the hagadah I wrote in college. It took going through literally 25 boxes to find said items, which were literally in the last two boxes I searched, respectively.
In the process, I found (in no particular order and in a variety of different boxes):
-My copy of Rise Up Singing, a song book recently featured in the NYTimes Styles section
-five books useful to my orals list
-a Jewish holidays cookbook
-an iPod cord
-a CD I've been looking for for a long while now
-the rules to the Game of Life, which were mysteriously absent from the box on Sunday when we tried to play it
-another copy of a book I'm lending to my cousin, so now she can just have a copy instead of borrow a copy
-my air cast for my left ankle (just in case!)
-one of my sedar plates and a bag o' plagues (I have no idea where the other sedar plate is, however)
-a pair of running shoes I didn't know I had. For real. Same brand as my current running shoes (which were also found randomly in a box a couple of months ago) but a different style and a half size bigger. It's improbable that either pair used to be Allison's, as both are made in China and she was obsessive about not buying Chinese made shoes. I'm almost one hundred percent positive both are mine. I just have no idea how I ended up with two pairs. Both of them were broken in to my feet and slightly worn, btw, though neither were worn down or in need of replacement condition when found. A mystery, I guess.
So now I'm done sleuthing, I'm going to head into the City and enjoy the spectacle of mailing my taxes at Farley. For those non-NYers or non-procrastinators on my flist (though this year it was really Hunter's fault for fucking up my W2's...), every year on April 15th, groups like Billionaires for Bush and some anti-tax freaks demonstrate in front of Farely, the main post-office in Manhattan. It's anti-government street theater at it's best! Then I'm going to go to the GC and write an abstract for my sociology of medicine class. Then hopefully I'll meet up with my cousin and do a book exchange. And all while trying not to puke or fall down because I have an awful case of unexplained vertigo. Ear infection? Migraine? Stomach bug? Who knows. Just an awful feeling Kate in the end.
I know I haven't posted in a long while. I'm overwhelmed at the amount of work I have to do. It's been a highly stressful past month or so. Blah. I'm run down.