OK folks, now calm down. I know it's two posts in two days and that is truly unprecidented for me, but it's part of my attempts to be happy this year. I heard on NPR that the things that make us truly happy are connecting with others.
Since I'm sure many of you have resolutions to loose weight, I wanted to invite you to join me and my mom and 35,000 of your closest friends to walk/run the
Ukrop's Monument Avenue 10k. It is Saturday March 27, and is a gorgeous walk through some of the prettiest old houses and monuments in down twn Richmond. There are bands playing along the route and lots of people in the community come out to cheer participants on. And if all this doesn't sound awesome enough, your registration fee goes to help support the Massey Cancer Center at VCU.
I've done this event 3 times, and I've walked every time. There is a entire walker's starting wave if you want (I confess I start with slow runners, because I walk fast!). Folks in Blacksburg we can train together is you'd like. Folks not in Blacksburg, we can train together digitally. I think you would all have a lot of fun and we can crash in sleeping bags and on air mattresses at my parents house in town.
If you are interested let me know and get registered. Registration is only $25 until the end of January when it goes up to $30. I suggest you register early rather than later because it is the fastest growing race event in the country and they do fill up.
It won't be that bad if we all start training together!
quick edit- a 10k is only 6.4 miles. Chump change!