I intended to post a grown up post about feelings and stuff...

Feb 13, 2007 10:57

I apologize in advance and I've cut it for others sanity,
I needed a hair cut. Badly needed a hair cut. I have been so distracted with the rest of my life that I let this slide. But the other day I realized that my hair was no longer capable of being worn down due to the split ends and general nastiness that remained after my layers grew out.

I didn't want to spend 50 bucks on a hair cut. And despite moving back to Richmond nearly a year ago I still don't have a hair dresser I like. The one my mother sees has always had a problem doing what I asked of her. She's incapable of cutting your hair the way you want it, instead focusing on cutting it how she wants it. Not the best way to make me happy that.

When I was in Blacksburg I went to Lia's and I love her and her daughter and was happy.

Anyway-back to my hair cut. Because it was just a little bit of a trim and I didn't want to make appointments I went to some generic $12 hair cut place. I was there for 2 hours. TWO HOURS!!!!! It doesn't take people getting hair colors, conditioning treatments AND eyebrows that long. And she pulled my hair--like ripping it out with each brush stroke. And when I would whimper and flinch she would laugh and say "Wow you're scalp is really sensitive!" Then proceed to continue. She talked incessantly. Would not shut up. Would not stop asking personal questions... Hair cuts should be soothing. This was AWFUL! I was thinking furiously about what the procedure for running away in the middle of a hair cut would be. I would argue about what she was doing to my hair and she would nod and keep doing it...

When she blow dried my hair she gave it POOF! When I smoothed it back down with my fingers she wanted to argue with me... Hello lady-my head my hair. If I wanted you to shave it off and dye the remaining stubble green you would say "yes ma'am, teal or forest?" And I hate my hair. Nothing was accomplished. My bangs are still too long and she did something to the ends... she called it texturizing... I call it feathering... yes I have feathered ends. Never again. I'm waiting a month and making an appoint at the expensive salon I do like even though it is over priced. At least a nice lady comes and brings you tea and bottled water. I would get it fixed right away, but she cut so much length off that if I go somewhere now I'll lose all the length I've grown in the past months.

This was classified as a romance novel... and I *guess* it was... I mean there was a couple and they loved each other... except it was DARK. I mean he's an assassin. And not one of those assassin’s with a heart of gold. No, just an assassin. He's hired to escort this young woman who's supposed to be a princess to her country. He agrees because he's paid very very well and it was requested by the woman's aunt, who is his old friend.

So off they go. He's nasty and cold, but not in a romantic hero way. He will as soon kill you as kiss you and not in the fun romance novel way... he really will. And she's torn on the returning to her country thing. Because she doesn't want to be a queen, but her country is falling apart because of the guy currently in charge and her grandfather wanted her to rule...

So Princess and Assassin head out. Assassin is from said country and has a family feud with current ruler. Assassin kills a lot of people. Assassin coerces Princess into sex. Princess hates him. Assassin doesn't care.

Princess starts to fall for Assassin because he is awfully pretty and he does protect her very well. They go into sequester so that Assassin can hide her while the uproar of killing the last round of badies settles. They start having sex... but not romance novel sex-nope. Lots of her tying him up and whipping. It was different for a romance novel. She likes to be in control... no she needs to be in control.

Then they go to country and dispose of guy in power. Now normally this is where a romance novel would end. They'd get married and rule and be happy. No-first thing Princess does is prevent Assassin from killing Usurper of throne. Then she has them both arrested and thrown into jail for treason against the state.

.....This is not how romance novels go.

Then she says she'll let them out if the end the family feud thing and swear to never try to rule the country. They both refuse believing (perhaps correctly) that the other would kill them. So she leaves them in jail. She occasionally sees Usurper as she tries to persuade him and reacquaint him with his son (which Assassin stole at the beginning... did I mention that?). Usurper likes Princess-likes her as a ruler-believes (most likely correctly) that Assassin will kill him at his first chance, and continues to refuse to get along with Assassin.

Meanwhile Assassin languishes and refuses to read her letters.

First year anniversary of reign arrives. She has a big party and hauls them both out into town. Assassin suspects she plans to have both of them executed. Which he fully endorses to protect her county (although as another plot he's trying to get forgiveness from the Pope who has cursed him to Hell-he's a good catholic, or at least believes it). She in front of all the crowds she instead sets him and Usurper free if they will swear allegiance to the county and to her. They both do, everyone is impressed and we find out letting them go is really just a ploy to make sure that Milan (city state ages and currently trying to take her city/country) sees her country as unified.

Then to do some skipping there is an insurrection orchestrated by Milan. Assassin comes to the aid of Usurper. They assist in the defense. Assassin does not return from battlefield. Princess intends to go to Rome to personally request dispensation for guy so he doesn't spend all eternity in Hell. Find him elsewhere. Finally going to be happy together. Get married. Assassin and Usurper swear in church in front of country’s council that they will stop trying to wipe the other's family from the earth.

Then end.

I really really really liked the book. He's just so nasty and not in a charming way. As you know him more you find him appealing and you can see why she does too. She seems so sweet and nice and then she turns into this firm and cold ruler who does not let her feelings ever stop her from doing what she needs. And I can respect that. She's also a little power mad and likes hurting him... All in all it's a romance novel, but very well written and just focused enough on other stuff as to provide great insight into who the people were.

Also I read romance novels and get worked up because people aren’t using protection or taking even rudimentary precautions. But these two… after she’s made queen and lets him go (after all it’s only been a year), well, she’s not pregnant. Has no intention of marrying and obviously can’t have a bastard baby in her position so they don’t have sex. Well… the don’t have penetration so there’s no risk. I guess I just appreciate the forethought. Anyway-the books been on my mind so I had to share.

books, hair

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