Oh America. Everytime I think you take a step forward, you disappoint me by falling back on your old fearful ways. I hope every Californian that cast that vote to ban gay marriage realizes that they have willfully chosen to deny a civil liberity to another fellow American. They have chosen to invalidate the union of two people who love each other, who have fought to be married (which is much more then can be said for a regular hetrosexual union, some exceptions aside for reasons besides gender), and in so doing, have clearly announced that "You are different from me and because of this difference, I refuse to accept you."
Be ashamed of yourselves.
You haven't protected the sancity of marriage (have you seen the divorce rate?) and you're not preserving families. You are tearing them legally apart so you can feel assured in your superiority, so you can maintain the status of being the only love that is legally recognized, and can discriminate without legal reprecussions.
It's nice to know that where historical progress is made for one group, another takes its place as society's scapegoat.
It doesn't matter. I don't doubt that this is a personal battle for me as well, because I can be sure that my family who recently learned I was gay did not vote to support the group I am a part of. It should never have been an issue of them vs. us, but by continuing to deny a right that every human deserves you divide us ever further.
If it is to be the next civil rights movement, then so it shall be. You can take away my right to marry federally and completely in Oregon, but you can never silence my voice.
You can't quietly sweep us under the rug.
"The gay-rights movement had a rough election elsewhere as well Tuesday. Ban-gay-marriage amendments were approved in Arizona and Florida, and Arkansas voters approved a measure banning unmarried couples from serving as adoptive or foster parents. Supporters made clear that gays and lesbians were their main target."
What a horrible outrage. What an evil thing to do! As if gays and lesbians are perverts? As if they can't raise children? Where do you get off? What the hell is wrong with this country?
What a complicated feeling. To be proud at the same time that I'm sad and angry and terribly hurt.
Are all of you insane? Only an insane person could honestly believe with no evidence that every single gay and lesbian individual is a raging pervert with no morals, who isn't fit to raise a child! I can't stop feeling wounded.
Damn you all.
Will you let your fear cloud your minds that much?