So I know we're all tight with the economy doing what it does, but cancer doing what IT does has gotten me rather riled up. So I'm doing a cancer walk. If you have anything (yes, even fifty cents...) you can donate, that would be super awesome. Or, failing that, send this link on to anyone you know that might be able to help out!!
You can put money in my... give your donation directly to me of course, but there is a website that is set up to receive such (which is easier for me...no checks to keep track of!):
http://www.active.com/donate/ltnDenver/2285_kimberlybarry The walk is on Thursday (short notice, I know!) but donations are accepted well after the walk, too.
You're awesome.
(And of course--most know but in case you didn't... I'm walking in support of my Mom, who is currently fighting large b-cell lymphoma. She gives me new appreciation for "bad hair days" with her shiny head...not to mention her strength is truly inspiring.)