Met up with Frank, David, and Ralph from the
Have Recumbent, Will Travel Meetup Group at Carolina Bros. We waited for Steven but he didn't show up. Met up with Ray and Peter in Herndon; Frank joined them for their westbound trip. David, Ralph, and I continued on to Vienna. Saw an injured deer hobbling around at Hunter Hill Road. Ralph departs, David and I continue onward to junction of Custis Trail and W&OD, explore options. David had things to do in the afternoon, so we parted company. I continued via Bluemont Junction Trail to Custis Trail, into DC for a bit, got a hot dog for lunch, then Mount Vernon Trail into Alexandria and stopped at the Torpedo Factory to visit Archaeology Museum. By then it was 3pm (later than I expected) and I made the long trip back via Four Mile Run and the W&OD. Got to the Route 28 bridge by about 6pm. Made it back to Leesburg after dark, probably around 7:30pm. A good long ride.
Total mileage: 87.54 miles. Whee!
Dist/Day: 87.54
Dist/YTD: 1503.97