Jun 28, 2010 00:22
Bleh, I was sick on Thursday and am still kind of bronchitisy. Since it's just a breathing thing and I'm not contagious anymore I decided to tough it out and go to gym anyway. I felt kind of light-headed and breathless, but also really really good. I did a 45kg bench for the first time (also 5 consecutive chin-ups). =D I also finally broke past 50kg and weigh 49.6kg, though I'm trying not to read too much into that since I'm always lighter in the mornings. I have some new exercises to play around with - going to add one-legged squats and overhead squats (OMG they are monstrous. MY PB squat is 62.5kg and my PB military press is 25kg - I started overhead squatting on ... 5kg).
I'm considering dropping my weight to 47.5kg so I can get to a bodyweight bench faster, but that's technically underweight for my height. Dad doesn't want me to lose any more weight (he was trying to explain it to me in the crappy mandarin that I can understand - and it was basically "thin is good .. but TOO thin is not good" lol).
I made some awesome butter chicken and have been eating that with roast cauliflower, raita and some garlic naan bought from the Indian restaurant round the corner. I also want to make homemade oreo cookies (I've already decided to call them faux-reos) and some more banana bread. I just ate the last of the dark chocolate cherry cupcakes to make room for them in the kitchen. I'm pretty excited that I've finally found a healthy lunch that I can make really easily - cottage cheese mixed with tuna, red capsicum, baby spinach and some curry powder for flavour.
Had a low key weekend, which was nice given how sick James and I were. There was some Diablo 2 playing, lots of sleeping, and we even found the energy to go check out the auction for the 3 bedroom apartment in the building next door (passed in at 700k!) Maybe next weekend I will make some pancakes - I'm thinking maybe topped with honey-whipped ricotta, some strawberries and bananas, maple syrup and bacon. I'll have to give Cat's maple syrup back soon and buy my own replacement at Costco. I'm looking forward to seeing what she bought in Japan!