Two tops from
lamixx that I've been drooling over forever. I justified buying them because I recently purged my wardrobe and don't actually have that many tops:
They're nice basic tops that hopefully I'll wear to death. Also they should go with this necklace that I bought from
eninaj (because I don't have many necklaces and I really liked this one!)
I also bought a pair of old-school Tsubi wide leg jeans in a size down because the other ones I bought are getting a bit loose. I'm sitting in my new jeans right now. =D The old jeans are a smidge more comfortable but the new ones look heaps better. I still want to buy some nice winter cashmere and a comfortable pair of heels that doesn't slip off my feet when I walk (HA!) Plus some more cute tops. Then I'll be set.
Melbourne Central is having a sale on Wednesday. I'll pick up some tea for winter and maybe have a peek to see if Country Road have anything good.
I finally caught James' cold, which was a bit disappointing since I haven't been badly sick all year. So I've just been slumping around this Friday and weekend, just bumming around on the computer and letting the apartment get all messy. I had my sickness comfort food (KFC chicken) yesterday so I'm feeling a little rcovered, but I probably won't be going to the gym today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!