sometimes i snowflake

Jan 20, 2020 14:13

...posting regularly is the real challenge for me.

Snowflake #5 was to comment/introduce yourself to someone you've never interacted with before, so I'm gonna force myself to actually COMMENT on one of the fics I read this week instead of just doing my usual kudos-and-run thing, because let's be real, as a writer/vidder who loves receiving any and all comments, it is HELLA hypocritical of me to so rarely leave any myself. I need to be better about that. So, that.

Snowflake #6: In your own space, make a list - anything between one and ten things is a sweet spot, but don't feel constrained by that! - of things that you wish existed in fandom or elsewhere, or that you'd like someone to make for you.

Hmmm. I'm kinda stuck on this one. But if you have any post-ROS Finn/Poe(/Rey) recs, I would love those! Nearly all the fics I've been mainlining so far in this pairing were written post-TFA, and while I have zero complaints about those, I'd love to read some that take the more recent movies into account as well.

Also, I've been feeling some intense small-fandom fondness/nostalgia, so I will put out into the world that if anyone wants to write or rec me some good History Boys (particularly Scripps/Posner) or Band of Brothers (Winters/Nixon), that would ALWAYS be awesome.

And last but not least, what are some good femslash fandoms these days? It's dumb that the vast majority of my OTPs are all dudes (and mostly white, sigh, with the notable exception of Finn/Poe), but that's primarily a reflection on the canons themselves. (Like, BoB is amazeballs, but it's not like I've got any real femslash options there, you know?) Lately I've been trying to avoid new media where the vast majority of the canon characters are straight white men, so I need something new to get into. Any recs?

This entry was originally posted on Dreamwidth. Comment wherever you'd like.

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