I've been really enjoying reading people's
snowflake_challenge posts, which I vaguely recall enjoying in years past as well. So maybe I should try it myself? Forcing myself to write anything on the regular is probably not a bad plan.
So: Challenge #1 - In your own space, introduce yourself!
Hi! I've been kaydee falls in online fandom since...uh, 1998 or thereabouts. And because I am a stubborn little shit, I still use the fannish name I created for myself at age thirteen, which. Well. Thanks, bb!kaydee, for not going with something like MuldersBae85, present!kaydee appreciates it. There is still X-Files and RENT fic associated with this handle somewhere in the darkest reaches of Gossamer and ff.net. We all just kind of magnanimously agree not to acknowledge it.
In RL, I'm a white cis Jewish lesbian New Yorker with a purple streak in my hair, because I've given up and embraced the stereotype. Also, married. Lapsed professional theater stage manager, currently managing the donor database of a large civil rights non-profit instead.
In fandom, I write fic and make vids. Nowhere near as frequently as I used to, but hey, 2019 was like my big fandom comeback (by which I mean, I actually completed new content -- five fics! two vids!), so here's hoping that continues, because I really missed being creative in the few years prior. Even when I'm not doing much creating myself, though, I am always, always reading fic. Just constantly.
I cycle unpredictably through fandoms as a reader, tend to go on extended kicks of pairings for a few weeks before jumping on to the next (or, more accurately, back to the old). Right now I'm mainlining Finn/Poe (Star Wars) like nobody's business. Also recently cycled intensely through 00Q and Arthur/Eames and Zuko/Katara, none of which I have actually written (well, a bit of Inception when it first came out, but other than that). Writing-wise, lately I've been hovering around my comfort zone of Marvel in general (MCU and/or X-Men), and that will likely continue, but who knows? There's a potential FinnPoe fic knocking around my brain, and hey, I certainly never predicted Good Omens this time last year. (Also, just watched new ep of Doctor Who like an hour ago and BOY HOWDY am I re-invested.) Vids tend to be more random, fandom-wise, and less OTP-centric. I should probably go finish my Festivid now. So...yeah.
And that's me, I guess?
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