seeking new fandoms!

Jan 08, 2019 21:19

Lately I've been going down the rabbit hole of old fandoms, and luxuriating in (re-)reading fics for OTPs past, mostly in fandoms I never properly touched as a writer. Went through a Man from UNCLE spree a few weeks ago; that somehow transitioned into Inception and now 007/Q. Apart from the white-boys-fucking monotony (and always one dark- and one fair-haired, wtf, why is it ALWAYS that? asks the fangirl who is just as guilty of writing all those OTPs herself), it's been fun swimming through the cloak-and-dagger type fandoms. I'm not sure why I never landed properly in any of these -- they hit most of my favorite narrative tropes, and provide the sort of plotty adventure framework that I most enjoy as both reader and writer.

I guess Man from UNCLE (the reboot film, not the original series, which I still haven't seen) was too short-lived a fandom to ensnare me, and while 007 is an insanely long-running franchise, it's also less active in terms of fandom -- at least in my fannish circles, anyway. And I likely would have tipped into Inception more solidly back in the day if X-Men: First Class hadn't slammed through fandom like a freaking hurricane within a few months of its release. No regrets on that score, though I did orphan a couple of Inception WIPs on my drive that I really, really wish I'd managed to finish before jumping full tilt back into X-Men fandom.

ANYWAY. That's a very roundabout way of getting to: What fandoms are you all excited about these days? Where's the really good fic at right now? What do you really wish more people were talking about? I'm current on the MCU nmovies (but found Infinity War deeply underwhelming and am not really looking forward to Endgame, so that's soured me a bit), but the only TV I'm keeping up with right now is Doctor Who (yay great new cast and amazing Jodie Whittaker, wish the writing were better for them) and The Good Place (flawless perfection). So I'm feeling very out of the loop.


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