careful the tale you tell

Dec 25, 2014 23:50

Exhausted, full, and a bit tipsy, but I have to pop in and say that INTO THE WOODS is so freaking good, guys, my heart is filled to bursting.

Like I imprinted on this show hardcore as a child and watched the recorded Broadway version roughly a bajillion times on VHS and obviously no production will match that, but as movie versions of musicals go, this one was pretty damn good. Fair warning, they did...sanitize it a bit to keep the PG rating (although the darker subtext is still there if you know to look for it), and they cut one song in particular that made me :( ("No More", which, ok, I get that the Mysterious Man was cut, so okay, but they could at least have left the Baker's last solo verse in, mostly because I really wanted to hear James Corden sing it), and some of the pacing in the second act felt kind of off, but still: really freaking good. I love James Corden as the Baker SO MUCH I CAN'T EVEN. Ugh. Also Meryl Streep unsurprisingly knocks it out of the park. And mostly everyone else is great too.

But most of all: Chris Pine, on a waterfall, dramatically ripping his shirt open. This is a thing that happens. It is exactly as glorious as it sounds.

I need to see this a hundred more times, and then also buy the damn Broadway version DVD so that I can roll around in the perfection of the original production a bit, too. Although, with apologies to Chip Zein, I do like James Corden best of all as the Baker. He was so perfectly cast.

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