vid beta?

Aug 22, 2014 22:52

Hey...would anyone be willing to do a quick vid beta of a Steve-centric vid? It's...not quite the vid I had expected to make, very TFA-heavy, with Steve/Peggy and Steve/Bucky both prominently featured (could be read as romantic or platonic, but those are basically the two most important people in his life during the war, so yeah).

I'd originally planned to include a lot of Steve/Natasha and Steve/Sam as well, except then it became all First Avenger all the time instead of an equal balance with Winter Soldier. Hell, I'd planned to include Avengers footage, too. So, yeah, this is why I'd like another set of eyes, if anyone's willing. I need to make sure the damn thing still holds together.

It's also kind of Steve/violence, but to a lesser degree. Steve being attracted to people and situations that are inherently dangerous? Yeah.

(Why is it so much easier for me to vid than to write these days?)

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fandom: mcu, viddingness

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