Today I went to the beach and got MASSIVELY SUNBURNED because spray-on sunblock apparently isn't worth crap. Life lessons, people. Whatever, it was totally worth it, it's been years since I last swam in the ocean.
Also I went to Seattle and then I came back to NYC and I failed to post about it, but I did meet up with
fiercynn which was SUPER GREAT because I missed her lots and lots. And also I met up with
sandmantv and we got fancy ice cream and browsed around Capitol Hill, which was also awesome. I like Seattle! It is a good city. I totally lucked out and was there for basically the only week of the year in which it was sunny and warm and pleasant for the entire week. No rain! Not even a little bit! In Seattle! It was magical.
And then I came back and promptly booked two different stage management gigs -- a funky avant-garde cabaret in September and a super exciting festival of one-person shows in October/November -- which makes me feel much better about myself as a working person, and I've been having a lot of fun in rehearsals for the Buffy musical performance in which I am Tara and get to orgasm onstage, which makes me feel better about my life in general. Both of which I needed, because otherwise my life is INSANITY because one of my roommates is moving out at the end of August and the other is moving out likely at the end of September, which means it's been wacky fun craigslist time 'round about these parts. UGH. I did find a roomie I like for the end of this month, and we're working out the obnoxious lease issues. I absolutely refuse to move again, that's for damn sure. This is the sixth (I think) place I've lived in the past fifteen months, and I like it and I want to stay here, dammit. Although this is the worst possible time for me to try to get on a lease, because hello, technically unemployed. Rental management companies really don't understand the concept of "freelancer" as a job description.
In terms of fandom, I have accomplished approximately NOTHING for my
eleventyfest assignment which is due in ten days. I sort of thought I had maybe the beginnings of an idea, at least, but I'm getting nowhere with it. Fuck.
ALSO I finally read all of the Beka Cooper trilogy in the past two weeks (see: Tamora Pierce, Tortall universe), finished it last night, and now I have all these overwhelming Tortall feels and no real fandom to speak of. THERE IS ONLY ONE BEKA/FARMER FIC ON AO3. THIS IS NOT HELPING ME DEAL WITH MY FEELS. (You don't understand, I have loved the Tortall universe since I was ten years old, and in particular George Cooper was the first and best fictional character I have ever fallen in love with and Alanna/George my original childhood OTP, and the epilogue of this book gave me stupid amounts of feels and I have NO ONE TO TALK TO ABOUT THIS.)
So...yes. That's what I've been up to, anyway, I guess. My pasty white legs are a rich lobster red and they hurt. A lot.
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