So I'm doing a Band of Brothers rewatch, because apparently when I'm in tech old fandoms are my comfort food or something (seriously, between this and my EPIC LotR(ips) rewatch over my break, it is Old Fandoms Home Month here chez
kaydeefalls), and apart from my continued epic love for my Winters/Nixon OTP Of My Heart, I continue to get completely derailed whenever I hit "Replacements" because OMG BABY!MCAVOY.
I mean, it's not like this surprises me, since that was my reaction the very first time I watched BoB a few years ago, back when I only mildly fangirled James McAvoy due to Atonement and Last King of Scotland and Wanted (...okay, I did fangirl him a fair bit already), but given XMFC, it is SERIOUSLY DISTRACTING. LOOK AT HIS ICKLE FACE. HIS FRECKLES OMG. I do not want to watch his face get blown up!
Fassbender is only mildly distracting, because he's never been my favorite (sorry, legion of Fassy fangirls, more for you) -- I only really like him as Erik. Although it has been fun playing Where's Waldo Christensen in the big group shots, now that he's actually a recognizable actor to me. And I'm fondly anticipating naked!Tom Hardy's arrival in later episodes, although again, suddenly I really don't want to watch Janovec get his skinny arse killed because NOOOO EAMES.
Fortunately, "Replacements" is also The Episode of Epic Winters/Nixon Subtext when Nix takes a bullet through the helmet -- oh, who am I kidding, every episode is The Episode of Epic Winters/Nixon Subtext. OH BOYS.
(Also, I love that I've rewatched the whole thing often enough by now that I do recognize and love every single character. For some reason I'm currently having Garcia ~feeeeelings~, for example. I don't even know.)
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