holiday exchanges

Dec 18, 2012 01:03

Secret Mutant is live! If you like XMFC fic, you should totally check it out. It's...mostly Charles/Erik, but there are a handful of other pairings & gen fics strewn about in there, too.

I wrote two fics. They are POLAR OPPOSITES in popularity at the moment, and I expect that won't change. There is pretty much zero anonymity involved in my pinch-hit; the other is less obvious (and has almost no hits on AO3 at the moment, which does not surprise me). If you manage to guess both, I'll...write you a thing? Seriously, no points for guessing the pinch-hit alone, it's that obvious.

I received an XMFC/Bond fusion fic, which is also not even a little bit anonymous, but I'll not reveal the author early. ;) She has excellent taste in fusions; I've been mainlining Skyfall fic over the past few weeks, so that was very well-timed.

Aaand...I really need to get cracking on Yuletide, fuck. Instead, have a Yuletide meme!

2003: Fine, Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid
butch/sundance/etta | pg-13 | 2000 words
Butch meets Sundance meets Etta, and the rest is history.
N'awww, baby's first Yuletide. Everyone's first Yuletide, technically, but I'm pretty sure this was also the first fandom exchange of any kind I ever participated in? I remember being SO NERVOUS about this fic. Also that I wrote most of it from the guest bedroom of my grandparents' house over Chanukah. I have a very strong sense-memory of that, for some reason.

2004: (Im)perfect, The Faculty
casey/zeke/delilah | pg-13 | 1600 words
Casey wonders if the aliens really changed anything for the better.
Apparently I wrote a lot of threesomes for Yuletide. Weird. Anyway, I'd totally forgotten I ever wrote this! But I do remember thinking it was absolutely awful at the time. Also, man, remember when Lotrips was hot and suddenly everyone was watching all of Elijah Wood's teen movies? Yeah. That happened.

2005: Twenty Random Facts About Steve and Susan, Coupling
steve/susan | pg-13 | 1170 words
Steve would like to be able to say that he knew Susan was The One from the first moment he saw her.
A loving reminder that yes, I really HAVE always written my Yuletide fics at the last possible minute. I was so desperately lacking in plotbunnies for this that I panicked and jumped aboard the "twenty random facts" fic meme that was going around at the time. Whatever happened to that trope? It was kind of fun.

2006: In Which Some Spells Are Broken and Another Is Cast, Enchanted Forest Chronicles
daystar/shiara | pg-13 | 2500 words
Wherein Daystar fixes Shiara's magic, except not, but it all works out anyway.
This still makes me giggle. I do think I captured Wrede's tone pretty well.

2007: The Ivory Horn, His Dark Materials
will, mary | pg-13 | 13,000 words
If there's a way back out of this world, Will is determined to find it. At any cost.
Hands down the best Yuletide fic I have ever written, or that I will ever write again. One of my top favorite fics I've ever written, period. Definitely the most incredible response I've ever received on ANY fic in any fandom. And honestly, anything clever about the concept was in the recipient's prompt itself, I just filled it in for her. I vividly remember jumping up out of bed at like 3am because a bit of imagery had popped into my head so clearly that I HAD TO WRITE IT DOWN RIGHT NOW. Also known as the fic in which I deliberately destroyed an integral piece of my own childhood, fuck.

2008: now for a breath i tarry, History Boys
scripps/posner, scripps/dakin | pg-13 | 4400 words
Eleven verses Hector never taught them (but Scripps learned anyway).
Ah, yes, the Yuletide fandom that I've considered one of my personal primary fandoms. This was another last-minute rush job. It's my least favorite fic that I've written for THB fandom, but I still like it. It was fun trawling for quotations for it.

2009: Eight Candles, History Boys
posner/scripps | pg-13 | 3300 words
Posner doesn't believe, but he lights the candles anyway. They keep the shadows at bay.
Why I mostly try never to offer fandoms I've already written for Yuletide. But I like this one better! It's was a lovely change of pace to write a Chanukah fic for Yuletide. There's also quite a bit of me in this Posner, despite the fact that I don't generally identify much with that character.

2010: So We'll Go No More A-Roving, Arcadia
hannah, thomasina, gus, valentine, chloe, septimus | pg | 3500 words
If a line may become transmuted into a square, and then further metamorphose into a cube, surely a fourth dimension might yet be extrapolated, if one could only find the correct perspective from which to sketch it.
Another last-minute panic fic, but I'm very fond of this one. Arcadia (by Tom Stoppard) is actually my favorite play of all time, and this was sort of a sequel, sort of a fantasy, sort of wrapped up some of Stoppard's loose ends, complete self-indulgence on my part.

2011: The World's Fastest Snowball, Sports Night
ensemble | pg | 4000 words
In which a network plot may or may not be afoot, interns are procuring desks for unwilling sportscasters, and inclement weather threatens the course of baseball history. So business as usual, pretty much.
It took a while for me to get the ball rolling on this one -- and SO MUCH research for baseball and soccer trivia, christ, not to mention Guinness World Records involving snowballs -- but I cackled to myself quite a lot while writing it, and it still makes me giggle. Fun times.

So this will be my tenth Yuletide fic. I never participate in Yuletide madness -- never have TIME -- nor do I pick up pinch hits or do any stocking stuffers or what have you, because one rare fandom fic per year is enough for me! This year...ugh, I have less than three days to write this fucker. So likely not going to be a stellar year for me. But I've had a pretty bad year for fic in general, so. Oh, well.

This entry was originally posted on Dreamwidth. Comment wherever you'd like.

random fandom, ficcishness, fandom: x-men

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