Roommate moving out tonight. Like, she started packing her stuff up with a couple of friends at 9:15pm. On a weeknight. And since I have to collect her keys from her when she's out, I have to wait up until she's done. Of the long list of petty inconveniences she's caused me over the past couple of weeks, this isn't really a big deal, but damn it, I'm tired and I've got to be up at 6:30am for work as usual and I just want to go to sleep. Aaand she just left on her first run, and will be back for the remainder in another 40 mins or so. DAMNIT.
At least this should be the end of THIS roommate drama. Which, really, you don't want to know and I don't want to type it all up.
New roommate moving in probably Friday morning. I like her a lot, all of the twice I've met her. But good personality & responsibility vibes, strong enough that as soon as she left after I'd shown her the place I already knew I wanted her. (And unlike leaving!roommate, who was very nice but I didn't feel entirely comfortable with, and felt rushed/pressured to choose her because I was running out of time.) So here's hoping.
And I had a long phone interview this evening for a potential 5-month summer theater job. It went pretty well, though of course I don't know how many other people are being interviewed or how well any of THEM did. Fingers crossed, anyway. (And a local theater I've never worked with just e-mailed me offering me a gig in May. Which I turned down, because I've heard mixed things about working with them and, well, because I'm hoping for one of the summer theaters to come, but still. It's always a good ego boost to know someone out there recommended me highly enough that a theater would be willing to hire me sight unseen.)
Life. It happens.
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