Well, this roommate search is proceeding MUCH better than the last one. Posted ad on Craigslist Friday evening, got 15 responses by yesterday morning, showed five people the place yesterday and have three more coming today and tomorrow. I have no idea how I'm going to pick a roommate -- everyone seems very nice, though they're all quite different from one another. No red flags, but no one I've been like YES LIVE WITH ME PLEASE. So, yeah. I feel weirdly guilty knowing that I'm going to turn most of them down, even though of course that's how this process works. But I remember feeling rushed and slightly bullied offering the place to current!roomie (though I liked another girl slightly better), and that clearly didn't work out, so I'm more inclined to listen to my gut instincts this round. We'll see.
I caved and requested an extension on my
white_lotus exchange, thank goodness. This weekend has been insane enough as is. And the fic I'd originally been writing for it really, really wasn't working for me, so I scrapped it entirely and am now working on something completely different. Which I like so far, but doubt I could finish by tomorrow. So yay extension! I'll definitely have more time this week to complete it.
Am completely, miserably stuck on the next chapter of Queen's Gambit. I've got scraps written, but no complete scenes. I have such a clear idea of where I'm going later in the fic, but not how to get there, and it's deeply frustrating. And with all the holiday exchanges, I haven't even been thinking about that 'verse for about a month now, and getting back into that headspace is harder than I'd expected. Ugh. I'm really excited about what's going to happen a chapter or two down the line, but connecting the dots in between is just...not working. And I don't know why. Can't I just skip straight to the job itself? Why do I have to write all the crucial set-up crap in between? Bah. (Part of it is that there are certain POV characters that come way more easily to me than others, but no, Logan and Emma are actually doing important things and I actually do need to write about them. It's just a constant struggle for me to slip into their voices. Why can't Alex narrate everything? And then there's the side issue of certain characters knowing more than I want the audience to know just yet, so I've either got to avoid their POV or be very, very careful about what they give away.)
And current!roomie is either never home or has shut herself in her room, which is frustrating because I actually do need to talk to her about what her plans for moving out tomorrow are. And get her share of last month's utilities, which she still hasn't paid me back for. And also she needs to come out of there before someone stops by to look at her room today. Argh.
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